A docker image is provided for the code development: brzl/quadcopter:devel
The definition of the image can be found inside the folder docker
. As you
can see, it is based on the brezel research platform, with additional python
dependencies. The first thing you need to do is build the image, which can
takes a while (but you usually need to build it once for all):
make build
The commands described in the rest of this README are supposed to be run
from the devel container. Enter make run
to get a shell.
If you need X11 suport, use make run-x11
Do xrdb -merge Xresources
once in the container.
bazel build :all
Note that you will need to run bazel sync --configure
in case you
modify the content of folder gym-quadcopter
bazel run :training
It will read params from config_training.yaml
Results will be available in results/experiment_DATETIME
You need to enter the Tensorboard Container (from your host) with
make tensorboard
and then run Tensorboard making it point to the experiment directory
tensorboard --logdir /results/experiment_DATETIME/runs --bind_all
bazel run :export
It will read params from config_export.yaml
The input is the model/quadcopter-{i}.pkl
and the export is defined in the config file.
has all hyperparameters- in
: the pkl checkpoints - in
: all plots (rewards etc.) - in
: log file - in
: all tests that are run with proper tags config_tests
contains the corresponding parameters and figures and log inside each of them