A react library for monaco-editor supporting ThanoSQL.
ThanoSQL Editor is a powerful and versatile code editor designed specifically for working with ThanoSQL. Built using the monaco-editor framework, ThanoSQL Editor provides a seamless and intuitive user experience for writing, editing, and executing ThanoSQL queries.
ThanoSQL Editor provides advanced code editing capabilities, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and error checking, to ensure clean and efficient query writing.
The monaco-editor is the fully featured code editor from VS Code. Check out the VS Code docs to see some of the supported features.
- node.js >= v16.17.0
- npm >= v8
has dependencies on monaco-editor-core package.
package | version |
monaco-editor-core | ^0.38.0 |
npm install @smartmind-team/thanosql-editor@latest
It serves esm, and this component is available in both module environments.
- At first, you must set EditorProvider as parent component about Editor Component.
// main.tsx
import { StrictMode } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App";
import "./index.css";
import { EditorProvider, EditorStore } from "@smartmind-team/thanosql-editor";
const EditorStoreClient = new EditorStore();
// To set defaultTab on EditorProvider initialization:
import { defaultTab } from "./assets/config.js";
const editorSessionStore = new EditorSessionStore();
editorSessionStore.setTabSession(defaultTab.id, { model: createModel({ value: "-- default session!", language: "thanosql" }), state: null });
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
// The store will be automatically setted. Use store property only when you want to specify more than one session setting on EditorProvider
<EditorProvider store={editorSessionStore}>
<App />
- Then, you can use Editor Component under Provider.
// App.tsx
import Editor from "@smartmind-team/thanosql-editor";
import { useEditorContext, setWorkers } from "@smartmind-team/thanosql-editor";
// on vite
import path from "@smartmind-team/thanosql-editor/thanosql-worker?worker&url";
// other platforms
const path = await import.meta.resolve("../node_modules/@smartmind-team/thanosql-editor/thanosql/thanos.worker.js");
// worker setting
default: {
url: path,
base: import.meta.url,
function App() {
const { getEditorModule } = useEditorContext();
const { changeTabSession, setIsQueryStarting, isEditorLoading, getEditor, getValue } = getEditorModule("example")! ?? {};
// or
// const modules = getEditorModule("example");
return (
width: "100vw",
height: "100vh",
display: "flex",
flexFlow: "column nowrap",
<div style={{ fontSize: "1rem", fontWeight: 900 }}>Editor Example</div>
<div style={{ flex: 2 }}>
onStartQuery: handleStart,
onStopQuery: () => console.log("stop"),
/** You can customize the launcher components for the remaining space in the launcher. **/
children: (
<div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "flex-start", alignItems: "center", height: "100%" }}>
<>test action</>
If you set defaultSessionId, then editor creates and stores editor session(model, state) in EditorStore so that you can access the session with this sessionId.
defaultSession is used when the Editor component has mounted. so if you changes some value in this session and then remount the Editor component (without reloading the window), Editor will not override defaultValue but restore session value.
defaultValue={"-- default value"}
export default App;
The Editor component also has HTMLAttributes that are applied to the Editor container div element.
name | type | default | description |
editorId | string | editorId for discriminating editor component | |
language | string | "thanosql" | language Id |
defaultSessionId | string | undefined | editor default session Id |
width | string or number | undefined | editor width |
height | string or number | undefined | editor height |
options | monaco.editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions | undefined | https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/typedoc/interfaces/editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions.html |
launcherProps | {onStartQuery?: EditorLauncherEventHandler; onStopQuery?: EditorLauncherEventHandler; editor?: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor;} | undefined | launcher component props |
launcherDisabled | boolean | false | when you set true, launcher is deactivated |
git clone https://github.com/smartmind-team/thanosql-editor.git
cd thanosql-editor
npm ci
npm run prepare # husky install
# dev build
npm run dev
# build
npm run build
- Before running the code below, you must run the
development setting
part first.- When you change lib code(and run
npm run build
in the root directory), then you must restart(npm run dev) playground for the library change to take effect.
cd playground
npm i
npm run dev # vite server will be run.
Current ThanoSQL is based on antlr4 PostgreSQL grammer. Please check this page. https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4/tree/master/sql/postgresql
- Update .antlr/*.g4 files.
- Convert .g4 file to JavaScirpt and put in
npm run antlr4
edit the files in the following directory.
βββ DiagnosticsAdapter.ts # for operating Monaco Diagnostic
βββ ThanosWorker.ts # ThanoSQL worker
βββ WorkerManager.ts # ThanoSQL worker manager (make proxy for connecting web worker)
βββ config.ts # Monarch config, language config
βββ setup.ts # add or edit monaco setting in function named setupLanguage
βββ thanos.worker.ts # web worker script