Welcome to the Emoji Recommendation Web project! This application suggests emojis based on the sentences you input. Explore the world of expressive emojis effortlessly!
Check out the demo video to see the web in action!
Gensim is a Python library for topic modeling, document similarity analysis, and other natural language processing tasks. In this project, Gensim's FastText model is employed for its efficiency in capturing context and semantic meaning, enhancing the accuracy of emoji recommendations.
Konlpy is a popular Korean natural language processing library. Specifically, the KKma module from Konlpy is utilized for Korean language processing in data preprocessing. KKma provides robust functionality for morphological analysis, making it a valuable tool for handling Korean text data.
Explore our PowerPoint presentation for an in-depth overview of the Emoji Recommendation Project. Click the badge below to download the PDF file of the PowerPoint presentation.