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Welcome to Notes!

This is a simple RESTful app to store some notes in a Lucene index.

Note: you may need enhanced privileges to run this app since it runs on port 80. If you prefer to use a different port, then pass in the port in the command line as a Java System property -Dserver.port=_port_ before the jar like this:

java -jar -Dserver.port=8080 Notes-all.jar -t

Easiest Run it

Navigate to build/libs and run the following

java -jar Notes-all.jar -t

That will allow you to hit all the endpoints, but you will get no persistence as it will use a temporary directory

OK Gimme Persistence

Navigate to build/libs and run the following

java -jar Notes-all.jar -d directory

It will now create your directory and you can persist data between runs


As a bonus you can get the Swagger UI at


Or the harder to read for humans, swagger documentation (used for various code gen utilities) at



Curl statements below are made for Windows commandline, but should work for Linux or if not then some small changes to escaping quotes might be needed.

Post /api/Notes

This will create a note, but shouldn't have an ID.

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{"body" : "Pick up milk!"}" http://localhost/api/notes

Get /api/notes

Lists everything

curl -i -X GET http://localhost/api/notes

Get /api/notes/{id}

Lists the note with the id

curl -i -X GET http://localhost/api/notes{id}

Get /api/notes?query=string

Returns the results of a Lucene search

curl -i -X GET http://localhost/api/notes?query=milk

Delete /api/notes/{id}

Delete your note

curl -i -XDELETE http://localhost/api/notes/1

Put /api/notes/{id}

Updates a note. ID must be present in the URL and if present in the note then it must match. In this case we are reserving the ID generation for the database and indicating that the user may not submit their own.

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPUT -d "{ "id": 3, "body" : "email [email protected]"}" http://localhost/api/notes/3

Why Lucene

  • It's more performant than SQL queries for where body like '%milk%' and the results are probably more user friendly.
  • You can do fuzzy searching mlk~1
  • You can do wildcard matching mil*
  • You can search for multiple terms milk AND pick . Just remember to do URL encoding milk%20AND%20pick
  • You can search for phrases "pick up milk"
  • Case is handled
  • Basically it's for search

Unimplemented Interfaces

In an app, you know what's used, and more work than brings value is just that. Certainly, if it was being used or being presented in a library I would have implemented and tested it.

Gradle Tasks

Here we use the gradle wrapper. I'm unsure if you will have to download gradle to run them since part of the point of the gradle wrapper is to lock down a version and pulls down its own jar in /gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar.


Navigate to the base directory Notes and run the following

./gradlew shadowJar

The output will be build/libs/Notes-all.jar a shadow jar is the same concept as an uber jar or a fat jar.


Navigate to the base directory Notes and run the following

./gradlew test


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