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Tags: sn4k3/SystemInfoSnapshot



Toggle v1.8.0.0's commit message
Added Network file


Toggle v1.7.0.0's commit message

Wrong date


Toggle v1.6.2.0's commit message
* Added a new section on page under the dashboard with 'Actions and p…

…age options'

* Updated autorunsc.exe from v13.2 to v13.3
* Changed tables will not make use of extra features from datatables by default because huge tables can freeze the page from loading if not loaded locally. Still local html report file will init tables with datatables plugin if there are less than 4000 rows on page or 1000 if online.
* Changed the networks default sort. They are now sorted by status
* Changed the processes default sort. They are now sorted by memory DESC
* Changed the services default sort. They are now sorted by status and name ASC
* Changed the autoruns default sort. They are now sorted by enabled and name ASC
* Moved some code classes into Core


Toggle v1.6.1.0's commit message
Added missing file


Toggle v1.6.0.0's commit message
Updated readme


Toggle v1.5.0.0's commit message
Added a disk manager holding all devices informations such as SMART

Added more information to disks under Hadware > HDDs including SMART, problems will be reported too
Added the program version to the GUI title
Added a search box to every table to be able to filter the results
Added DataTable js script and style
Added floatThead js script
Changed the html tables code to use DataTables that gives much more customization features
Changed the background color to lightgrey of the tables head
Changed the tables head to be fixed and always show on scroll while a table is visible
Changed the tables are now wrapped inside a '<div class="responsive"></div>'
Improved tables sort are now more realible
Fixed the tables big font-size aren't the default from theme
Moved Malware folder into Core
Moved Libraries into Resources
Removed table-responsive class from tables (wrong usage)


Toggle v1.4.0.0's commit message
Added a malware database to detect bad programs on the system (Window…

…s only)

Added 204 toolbars to malware list (Windows only)
Added support to Linux and others mono compatible systems
Added a 'build.bat' file to compile project under Windows (Visual Studio required)
Added a 'Makefile' file to compile project under Linux systems using Mono (mono-complete required)
Changed program will now be executed using 64bit process under 64bit systems, otherwise 32bit will be used
Changed GUI update timer interval to 1s rather than 500ms
Changed uptime values are now represented by: days.hours:minutes:seconds
Changed controls postion to bottom left instead of top right
Changed page title build date to use CurrentCulture instead of InvariantCulture
Changed rewrite whole reports using HtmlTextWriter wich use a StringBuilder instead a single string with concatenation
Changed program will now run with less privileges (from full to admin)
Improved report generation performance
Removed Service type from report


Toggle v1.3.0.0's commit message
Added a new dashboard with information about the reports

Added a new section with controls to navigate between items and display them
Added the items with warning and danger classes can now be easily browsed and followed with the navigation controls in order to quickly find the problems
Added comments on javascript code
Fixed Html navbar overlaps to content on small resolutions
Changed some javascript code to improve page performance
Updated bootstrap version from 3.3.2 to 3.3.4


Toggle v1.2.20.2's commit message
Added a new argument 'single thread': Generate all the reports one by…

… one without use parallel tasks. Best used with single core CPUs or for debuging.

Fixed application always crash on autoruns collection when tab icons are null
Removed unused namespaces


Toggle v1.2.20.0's commit message
Added more information under Autoruns about almost everything that lo…

…ads with the system

Added autorunsc.exe from Sysinternals into projected [Embedded]
Changed reports are now generated with parallel threads, 100% boost over single thread on most cases - More cores more benefits