A small C++ library that implements almost complete LDAP Search Filter grammar as defined in RFC 2254 and a search facility inside a vector of key-value mapped data.
Main highlights are:
- Formal Search Filter BNF grammar using header-only boost::spirit library. Extensible filter grammar is not implemented.
- The parser supports Unicode and hex-encoded Unicode rules.
- The search facility makes use of the ICU internationalization library with adjustable collation levels which allows searching data in a non-strict way when case and diacritics may be set to ignore.
- Heavy use of newer C++11 standard features like move semantics and lambda functions.
There is a test example showing how to use the library inside sub-directory test/. In this example data read from a JSON file records.json which requires linkage against jsoncpp. To compile the example run
g++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/jsoncpp -o test test.cpp -lldapsf -ljsoncpp
in a terminal. The data records in the test file contain UTF-8 encoded samples of key-value maps with Russian names, surnames and optional grades and extra marks. Inside the source code of test.cpp a search filter is created to show how the ldapsf library can be used. Run the test with command