Tags: snosratiershad/python-chess
python-chess v1.4.0 New features: * Let ``chess.pgn.GameNode.eval()`` accept PGN comments like ``[%eval 2.5,11]``, meaning 250 centipawns at depth 11. Use ``chess.pgn.GameNode.eval_depth()`` and ``chess.pgn.GameNode.set_eval(..., depth)`` to get and set the depth. * Read and write PGN comments with millisecond precision like ``[%clk 1:23:45.678]``. Changes: * Recover from invalid UTF-8 sent by an UCI engine, by ignoring that (and only that) line.
python-chess v1.3.3 Bugfixes: * Fixed unintended collisions and optimized ``chess.Piece.__hash__()``. * Fixed false-positive ``chess.STATUS_IMPOSSIBLE_CHECK`` if checkers are aligned with other king. Changes: * Also detect ``chess.STATUS_IMPOSSIBLE_CHECK`` if checker is aligned with en passant square and king. New features: * Implemented Lichess winning chance model for ``chess.engine.Score``: ``score.wdl(model="lichess")``.
python-chess v1.3.2 Bugfixes: * Added a new reason for ``board.status()`` to be invalid: ``chess.STATUS_IMPOSSIBLE_CHECK``. This detects positions where two sliding pieces are giving check while also being aligned with the king on the same rank, file, or diagonal. Such positions are impossible to reach, break Stockfish, and maybe other engines.
python-chess v1.3.0 Changes: * Introduced ``chess.pgn.ChildNode``, a subclass of ``chess.pgn.GameNode`` for all nodes other than the root node, and converted ``chess.pgn.GameNode`` to an abstract base class. This improves ergonomics in typed code. The change is backwards compatible if using only documented features. However, a notable undocumented feature is the ability to create dangling nodes. This is no longer possible. If you have been using this for subclassing, override ``GameNode.add_variation()`` instead of ``GameNode.dangling_node()``. It is now the only method that creates child nodes. Bugfixes: * Removed broken ``weakref`` based caching in ``chess.pgn.GameNode.board()``. New features: * Added ``chess.pgn.GameNode.next()``.
python-chess v1.2.1 The primary location for the published package is now https://pypi.org/project/chess/. Thanks to `Kristian Glass <https://github.com/doismellburning>`_ for transferring the namespace. The old https://pypi.org/project/python-chess/ will remain an alias that installs the package from the new location as a dependency (as recommended by `PEP423 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0423/#how-to-rename-a-project>`_).
python-chess v1.2.0 New features: * Added ``chess.Board.ply()``. * Added ``chess.pgn.GameNode.ply()`` and ``chess.pgn.GameNode.turn()``. * Added ``chess.engine.PovWdl``, ``chess.engine.Wdl``, and conversions from scores: ``chess.engine.PovScore.wdl()``, ``chess.engine.Score.wdl()``. * Added ``chess.engine.Score(*, mate_score: int) -> int`` overload. Changes: * The ``PovScore`` returned by ``chess.pgn.GameNode.eval()`` is now always relative to the side to move. The ambiguity around ``[%eval #0]`` has been resolved to ``Mate(-0)``. This makes sense, given that the authors had standard chess in mind (where a game ending move is always a loss for the opponent). Previously this would be parsed as ``None``. * Typed ``chess.engine.InfoDict["wdl"]`` as the new ``chess.engine.PovWdl``, rather than ``Tuple[int, int, int]``. The new type is backwards compatible, but it is recommended to use its documented fields and methods instead. * Removed ``chess.engine.PovScore.__str__()``. String representation falls back to ``__repr__``. * The ``en_passant`` parameter of ``chess.Board.fen()`` and ``chess.Board.epd()`` is now typed as ``Literal["legal", "fen", "xfen"]`` rather than ``str``.
python-chess v1.1.0 New features: * Added `chess.svg.board(..., orientation)`. This is a more idiomatic way to set the board orientation than `flipped`. * Added `chess.svg.Arrow.pgn()` and `chess.svg.Arrow.from_pgn()`. Changes: * Further relaxed `chess.Board.parse_san()`. Now accepts fully specified moves like `e2e4`, even if that is not a pawn move, castling notation with zeros, null moves in UCI notation, and null moves in XBoard notation.