This project is a Telegram bot for selling VPN subscriptions. It works with 3X-UI.
Currently, the bot is under development and not fully functional. Some features are still in progress.
- Profile page
- Subscription system
- Telegram Stars payment
- Yookassa payment
- Cryptomus payment
- Promocode system
- Referral system
- Support page
- Apps page
- Trial subscription
- Notification
- Admin panel
- Subscription balancer
Before starting the installation, make sure you have the installed Docker
Clone the repository:
git clone cd 3xui-shop
Set up environment variables and plans:
Copy plans.example.json to plans.json and .env.example to .env:
cp plans.example.json plans.json cp .env.example .env
Update plans.json file with your subscription plans. (Subscription Plans Configuration)
Update .env file with your configuration. (Environment Variables Configuration)
Build the Docker image:
docker compose build
Run the Docker container::
docker compose up -d
Variable | Description |
BOT_TOKEN | Telegram bot token |
BOT_ADMINS | List of admin IDs (Telegram user IDs) |
BOT_DEV_ID | Telegram user ID of the bot developer |
BOT_SUPPORT_ID | Telegram user ID of the support person |
XUI_HOST | URL of the 3X-UI control panel (e.g., |
XUI_USERNAME | Username for authentication in the 3X-UI control panel |
XUI_PASSWORD | Password for authentication in the 3X-UI control panel |
XUI_TOKEN | Token for authentication (if configured in the panel settings) |
XUI_SUBSCRIPTION | URL for the subscription page (e.g., |
LOG_LEVEL | Log level (e.g., INFO, DEBUG) |
LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT | Log archive format (e.g., zip, gz) |
"durations": [30, 60, 180, 365], // Available subscription durations in days
"devices": 1, // Number of devices supported by the plan
"prices": {
"RUB": { // Prices for Russian rubles (RUB)
"30": 70, // Price for 30 days
"60": 120, // Price for 60 days
"180": 300, // Price for 180 days
"365": 600 // Price for 365 days
"USD": { // Prices for US dollars (USD)
"30": 0.7, // Price for 30 days
"60": 1.2, // Price for 60 days
"180": 3, // Price for 180 days
"365": 6 // Price for 365 days
"XTR": { // Prices for Telegram stars (XTR)
"30": 60, // Price for 30 days
"60": 100, // Price for 60 days
"180": 250, // Price for 180 days
"365": 500 // Price for 365 days
// Next plan
A special thanks to the following individuals for their generous support:
- Boto
You can support me via the following methods:
- Bitcoin:
- Ethereum:
- USDT (Ethereum):
- TON:
Any support will help me dedicate more time to development and accelerate the project!
- Telegram: @snoups