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Scenario to use odo and a Spring Boot application


  • Minishift version >= 1.22
  • admin-user addon installed.


  • Install odo on Macos. Version tested is 0.0.18

    sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/odo && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/odo

    or using brew tool

    brew tap kadel/odo
    brew install kadel/odo/odo
  • Next, git clone the following Spring Boot project

    git clone && cd ocp-odo-build-install
  • Log on to OpenShift and create a new project

    oc login $(minishift ip):8443 -u admin -p admin
    oc new-project ocp-odo-build-install
  • Use the Security Context Constraint 'restricted' to avoid this issue

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user restricted -z default           
  • Compile and package the project locally

    mvn clean package
  • Create an application which represents the microservices or components that we will install

    odo app create springbootapp
    Creating application: springbootapp in project: demo
    Switched to application: springbootapp in project: demo

    during this step, odo is creating a config file

    cat ~/.kube/odo             
    - active: true
      activeComponent: ""
      name: springbootapp
      project: demo
    settings: {}
  • Check if our Java Builder image is well installed on OpenShift

    odo catalog list components
    NAME                           PROJECT       TAGS
    dotnet                         openshift     2.0,latest
    httpd                          openshift     2.4,latest
    java                           openshift     8,latest
    nginx                          openshift     1.10,1.12,1.8,latest
    nodejs                         openshift     0.10,10,4,6,8,8-RHOAR,latest
    perl                           openshift     5.16,5.20,5.24,5.26,latest
    php                            openshift     5.5,5.6,7.0,7.1,latest
    python                         openshift     2.7,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,latest
    redhat-openjdk18-openshift     openshift     1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4
    ruby                           openshift     2.0,2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5,latest
    wildfly                        openshift     10.0,10.1,11.0,12.0,13.0,8.1,9.0,latest
  • A. Create a Spring Boot 1 =sb1 component where we will upload the code from the local directory.

    odo create java sb1
    ✓   Checking component
    ✓   Checking component version
    ✓   Creating component sb1
    OK  Component 'sb2' was created and ports 8778/TCP,8080/TCP,8443/TCP were opened
    OK  Component 'sb2' is now set as active component
    To push source code to the component run 'odo push'
    odo create openjdk18:latest sb1 --binary ./target/ocp-odo-build-install-1.0.jar
    ✓   Checking component
    ✓   Checking component version
    ✓   Creating component sb1
    ✓   Creating component sb1
    OK  Component 'sb1' was created and ports 8080/TCP,8443/TCP,8778/TCP were opened
    OK  Component 'sb1' is now set as active component
  • Now push the code developed locally

    odo push
    Pushing changes to component: sb1
     ✓   Waiting for pod to start
     ✓   Copying files to pod
     ✓   Building component
     OK  Changes successfully pushed to component: sb1
  • Access the service/endpoint

    odo url create --port 8080 sb1
    Adding URL to component: sb1
     OK  URL created for component: sb1
    sb1 -
  • B. Create a new SpringBoot's component using this the Github project.

    odo delete sb1
    odo create redhat-openjdk18-openshift:1.4 sb1 --git
    ✓   Checking component
    ✓   Checking component version
    ✓   Creating component sb1
    ✓   Triggering build from git
    OK  Component 'sb1' was created and ports 8080/TCP,8443/TCP,8778/TCP were opened
    OK  Component 'sb1' is now set as active component

    Remark : This command is creating a BuildConfig's file and will not at all use the inner loop but instead the outerloop

    WARNING : The deployment of the pod will fail as an ENV var is not declared to specify the uberjar file to be used. Then apply the following env var on the BuildConfig resource and restart the build:

    oc set env bc/sb1-springbootapp ARTIFACT_COPY_ARGS=*-exec.jar 
    oc start-build sb1-springbootapp
  • Let's delete the component

    odo delete sb1
    Are you sure you want to delete sb1 from springbootapp? [y/N]: y
     ✓   Deleting component sb1
     OK  Component sb1 from application springbootapp has been deleted
  • Cleanup

    oc delete all --all


  • If the Java s2i image is not there, install the `Red Hat OpenJDK-1.8 S2I Build Image using this command :

    oc import-image openjdk18 --confirm -n openshift

    REMARK : Next patch it to add the missing builder annotation

    oc annotate istag/openjdk18:latest tags=builder -n openshift

    OR alternatively, install the image using an imagestream within the openshift namespace. This imagestream contains the builder annotation that odo is looking for to populate its catalog

    oc apply -f is-java-s2i.yml -n openshift


  • During the execution of the odo create openjdk18 --git command, the following resources will be created: imageStream, buildConfig, deploymentConfig and service
  • Next, a pod will be created, a supervisord added to be able to call the service requesting to compile and next to restart the microservice (= java -jar)
  • The code is git cloned (or pushed), then the s2i script responsible to do the mvn compilation will take place.
  • When the compilation is finished, then the script assemble-and-restart is called by the supervisord
  • The microservices is (re)started


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