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Git & GitHub Cheatsheet

Hi there, just trying to learn git :)

Here're some notes I made for quick reference.

Git Commands

How to push local files to GitHub using Git

  1. Create a new respository on GitHub

  2. Use the following commands in terminal:

git init 

open a .git file in current folder

git add .

ask git to track all files within the folder

git remote add origin "SSH link of the github repository" 

add location of GitHub repo & allow Git to know where to upload files to

git remote -v 

ensure current git repo is connected to remote repo

git commit -m "commit message" -m "description box message" 

save changes in git locally

git push origin main 

push it to live on GitHub


git status 

see status of files, tracked or not (add), committed or not

git push -u origin main 

set upstream default to origin master, allow typing just 'git push' in future (no need to type 'origin master" for current repo)

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

when git pull origin master doesn't work, use this command to tell git allow the action (git stops it default when two repo doesn't seem to connect with each other)

How to create branch & save changes in the new branch in Git

git branch

view all branch in current repo

git checkout -b new-feature

create a new branch called 'new-feature'

git checkout main

switch to branch named "main"

git checkout new-feature
git commit -am "updated"
git push -u origin new-feature

saved changes into the new branch

git branch -d create-branch

delete the branch "create-branch", ususally delete old branch after merging the pull request

How to submit a pull request

PR = merge your branch (changes) into the main branch

Before submitting a PR, Within your own branch, You can:

git diff main

show diffence between your current branch and the main branch

git merge main

to make sure your current branch is up-to-date with main branch

Then Push your changes in your repo/branch, Submit a pull request via GitHub interface via clicking the 'Compare & pull request' button & "Create pull request"

You can also fork a project, makes changes & submit a PR to contribute to open-source projects:D

How to undo in git

git log

show the log all the commits made before

git reset --hard theHashCodeInLog

go back to the specified commit without any changes made afterwards ( changes made after the commit are invisible)

git reset theHashCodeInLog

unstaged changes made after the specified commit (but changes made are still visible but not saved in git)

How to update your local copy (fetch the latest version copy from GitHub to your local machine)

git ls-remote origin

view all available branches

git fetch

fetch all branches references from remote repo

git pull origin [branch_name_here]

Get the latest copy of file from GitHub

git pull = git fetch + git merge

Merge others code

git checkout [branch you wanna merge]
git pull
git checkout [your own branch]
git merge [branch you wanna merge]

When being asked about entering msg during merge

press "i" (i for insert)
write your merge message
press "esc" (escape)
write ":wq" (write & quit)
then press enter

Getting single commit from other branch

git cherry-pick [commit ID]

Reset back to specific commit & abort all local changes

git reset --hard [commit ID]

when push again after reset:

git push -f origin MyBranch

Delete branches locally & remotely


git branch -d branch_name


git push -d origin <branch_name>

Rename Branches

On the branch you want to rename:

git branch -m new-name

Delete the old-name remote branch and push the new-name local branch. Stay on the target branch and:

git push origin :old-name new-name

Reset the upstream branch for the new-name local branch. Switch to the target branch and then:

git push origin -u new-name

Change remote origin

Check current origin

git remote -v

Change remote origin to another git repo

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:snowiewdev/xxxx.git

Then just git add, commit & push to the new place


simple cheatsheet for a lot of things






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