####Ansible Playbook for management of a set of network probes based on raspian
First update the hosts file to use the IP's of your raspberry pi below the [pis] group,
And edit the /roles/piprobe/tasks/main.yml file for your own users needs!
Once you've done that simply cd into the piprobe directory and run:
ansible-playbook piprobe.yml
Once it's complete, you should have a functional and up to date piprobe. You will need to expand your SD card as necessary to take advantage of a larger disk.
To complete the expanding of your SD card etc. Also make sure to change the password for the pi user!
Verify it's me from my keybase.io page: https://keybase.io/buraglio
Coffee always welcome or donate some bitcoin to the guy that I forked this from https://keybase.io/daniels