Modified version that wrote.
slack_delete allows you to delete files from Slack in bulk. If you are on a free Slack plan, you can only have so many files and use up so much space. After a while, this tends to fill up.
I decided to modify this script for a few reasons:
- there was an extraneous call to json.loads() that kept it from running properly
- python3 support
- rate limiting to follow Slack's suggestions (
This uses the requests library that you'll need to install (probably best done in a virtual environment)
python3 -m pip install requests
You will also need to know your slack token, which you can find or create at
usage: [-h] -t TOKEN [-d DAYS] [-c COUNT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Specifies the OAuth token used for authentication,
created at (
-d DAYS, --days DAYS Delete files older than x days (optional)
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
Max amount of files to delete at once (optional)
python3 --token yourtokengoeshere -d 90