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Command-line tool that simplifies the development and testing of Solana blockchain programs.


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This is the mucho, a command-line tool designed to simplify the development and testing of Solana blockchain programs. The tool provides an array of commands to manage Solana Toolkit installations, clone and manage blockchain fixtures (accounts, programs, etc), and simplifying the experience of running a local test validator with all the required state for a consistent development experience.

mucho is in beta and subject to change. Please feel free to open issues with any feedback, feature requests, or issues you experience.


System Requirements:

  • NodeJS (version >= 22)

Install with NodeJS already installed

With NodeJS already installed on your system:

npm install -gy mucho@latest

Or to install mucho and all the core Solana development tooling at once:

npx mucho@latest install

Install without NodeJS already installed

The following command will install NodeJS, Node Version Manager (NVM), and mucho itself:

curl -sSfL | bash


mucho --help


  • install - Install and manage the Solana Toolkit's local development tooling on your system.
  • clone - Clone accounts and programs (aka fixtures) from any Solana cluster desired and declared in the Solana.toml.
  • validator - Run the solana-test-validator on your local machine, including loading all the cloned fixtures for your repo.
  • build - Build all or a single Solana program in your workspace.
  • deploy - Deploy a Solana program in your workspace.
  • coverage - Run code coverage tests on a Solana program.
  • info - Gather helpful troubleshooting info about your setup.
  • docs - Show the documentation for the Solana development tools.
  • balance - Get an account's balances for all clusters.
  • inspect - Inspect transactions, accounts, and block in the cli (like a block explorer)

Token commands

  • token - Create, mint, and transfer tokens.
  • token create - Create a new token (with metadata).
  • token mint - Mint new tokens from an existing token (raising the supply).
  • token transfer - Transfer tokens from one wallet to another.


Install the Solana Toolkit local development tooling on your system.


mucho install --help

The Solana Toolkit includes the following tools:

  • Rust and Cargo - The Rust program language and Cargo package manager are installed via Rustup.
  • Agave CLI tool suite - the standard tool suite required to build and deploy Solana programs (formerly known as the "Solana CLI tool suite").
  • Mucho CLI - a superset of popular developer tools within the Solana ecosystem used to simplify the development and testing of Solana blockchain programs.
  • solana-verify - A command line tool to build and verify Solana programs.
  • Anchor and AVM - The Anchor framework and the Anchor Version Manager (AVM)
    • Yarn is currently installed as a dependency of Anchor. This dependency is expected to be removed in the near future.
  • Trident Fuzzer - Rust-based fuzzing framework for Solana programs to help you ship secure code.
  • Zest - Code coverage CLI tool for Solana programs.


Inspect transactions, accounts, and block in the cli (like a block explorer)

mucho inspect <INPUT>

The <INPUT> value should be one of the following:

  • account address
  • transaction signature
  • block number

By default, inspect will use your Solana CLI configured cluster unless overriden with the --url or -u flag.


Solana wallet account:

mucho inspect --url mainnet GQuioVe2yA6KZfstgmirAvugfUZBcdxSi7sHK7JGk3gk

Program account:

mucho inspect --url mainnet TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA

Successful transaction:

mucho inspect --url mainnet 58cX3fXzRcUEcjVJ7mGxPH9jsLRwDtbkkKp6ypE1iagcZXaQSyQp3o9aWUAoQhCevLKMtgzgwvT7e56YdGdh3NXs

Failed transaction:

mucho inspect --url mainnet 5tb4d17U4ZsBa2gkNFEmVsrnaQ6wCzQ51i4iPkh2p9S2mnfZezcmWQUogVMK3mBZBtgMxKSqe242vAxuV6FyTYPf


mucho inspect --url mainnet 315667873


Clone all the fixtures (accounts and programs) utilizing your Solana.toml file.


mucho clone --help

The default behavior for fixture cloning is as follows:

  • All cloned fixtures are stored in the fixtures directory, unless overridden by your Solana.toml's settings.accountDir.
  • All fixtures are cloned from Solana's mainnet cluster or the declared settings.cluster in Solana.toml.
  • All fixtures are cloned from the same cluster, unless individually overridden.
  • If any fixtures already exist, they are skipped from cloning.
  • If a Solana account is cloned, the owner program will automatically be cloned from the same cluster, unless the program is explicitly declared in the Solana.toml.

To override the default cloning behavior for any fixture, declare the desired override setting in your Solana.toml file. Some of the supported overrides include:

  • cluster - Desired cluster to clone the particular fixture from.
  • frequency - Desired clone frequency when performing the clone operation.
  • Each fixture type (account, program, etc) may support other specific overrides.

See the Solana.toml's clone configuration for details about all options.

The cloned fixtures are recommended to be version controlled via git in order to facilitate a consistent local Solana ledger (via validator) and therefore reproducible and testable blockchain state for anyone with access to the repo.


Build all or a single Solana program in your workspace.


mucho build --help


Deploy a Solana program in your workspace.


mucho deploy --help

The default behavior for deploying is as follows:

  • The deploy command will default to your Solana CLI declared cluster, unless overridden with the -u, --url flag.


Run the Solana test validator on your local machine, including loading all the cloned fixtures for your repo.


mucho validator --help

Under the hood, the validator commands wraps the Agave tool suite's solana-test-validator command but also helps provide additional quality of life improvements for Solana developers. To view the generated solana-test-validator wrapper command, run mucho validator --output-only.

The default behavior for running the test validator is as follows:

  • If the ledger does not already exist, or when resetting the ledger via the --reset flag, all the currently cloned fixtures will be loaded into the validator at genesis.
  • All programs declared in your Solana.toml's programs.localnet declaration will be loaded into the validator at genesis.
  • All loaded programs will have their upgrade authority set to your local keypair's address (via settings.keypair).


Run code coverage tests on a Solana program, powered by the Zest CLI.


mucho coverage --help

To pass additional arguments to the Zest CLI, append them at the end of this tool's command starting with --. For example, to run the Zest CLI's help command:

mucho coverage -- --help


Gather helpful troubleshooting info about your setup, including tool versions and general info about your operating system and Solana CLI configuration.


npx mucho info


Open documentation websites for Solana development tools. Without any arguments, opens the Mucho documentation. With a tool name argument, opens documentation for that specific tool.


mucho docs --help


mucho docs         # open Mucho documentation
mucho docs solana  # open Solana documentation


Get an account's balances for all clusters.


mucho balance --help


# balances for the default keypair's address: ~/.config/solana/id.json
mucho balance

# balances of a specific address
mucho balance nicktrLHhYzLmoVbuZQzHUTicd2sfP571orwo9jfc8c


Create, mint, and transfer tokens.


npx mucho token --help


  • All mucho token commands will use the --keypair wallet as the transaction fee payer. Defaults to the Solana CLI wallet (~/.config/solana/id.json).

token create

Create a new token on the Solana blockchain, including adding metadata to the token for viewing on explorers and in wallets.

By default, the legacy token program (TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA) will be used to create the token's mint.

npx mucho token create --url devnet \
  --name NAME \
  --symbol SYMBOL \

To create a token using the Token Extensions (Token22) program (TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb), you can explicitly set the token program to be used with the --token-program flag (with a value of token22 or tokenExtensions or the program ID):

npx mucho token create --url devnet \
  --token-program token22 \
  --name NAME \
  --symbol SYMBOL \

token mint

Mint new tokens from an existing token (raising the supply), issuing them to a destination wallet.

Note: If the destination wallet does not have an Associated Token Account (ata), one will be automatically created.

Authorizing new tokens to be minted requires the transaction to be signed by the token's "mint authority". By default, the mucho token mint command will attempt to use your CLI wallet (--keypair) as the mint authority.

npx mucho token mint --url devnet \
  --mint <MINT_ADDRESS> \
  --amount 100

To use a mint authority that is different from the default CLI keypair (--keypair), explicitly set the mint authority by providing the authority's keypair file via the --mint-authority flag:

npx mucho token mint --url devnet \
  --mint <MINT_ADDRESS> \
  --amount 100
  --mint-authority /path/to/mint-authority.json

token transfer

Transfer tokens from a source wallet to another destination wallet.

Note: If the destination wallet does not have an Associated Token Account (ata), one will be automatically created.

npx mucho token transfer --url devnet \
  --mint <MINT_ADDRESS> \
  --amount 100

If the source wallet is different than the default CLI wallet (--keypair), you can explicitly set the source wallet via the --source flag:

npx mucho token transfer --url devnet \
  --mint <MINT_ADDRESS> \
  --amount 100


The Solana.toml file is a framework agnostic manifest file containing metadata and configuration settings to enable developers to more easily manage their Solana program development processes.

The Solana.toml file is expected to be stored in the root a repo and committed to git.

You can find an example Solana.toml file here.

settings configuration

Declare general defaults and configuration settings for use in various places.

  • cluster - Desired cluster to clone all fixtures from (if not individually overridden per fixture). If not defined, defaults to Solana's mainnet.
    • Type: enum
    • Default: mainnet
    • Values: mainnet, devnet, or testnet
  • accountDir - Path to store cloned fixtures (accounts and programs)
    • Type: string
    • Default: fixtures
  • keypair - Path to the default local keypair file to use in various places (i.e. set as the upgrade authority for all cloned programs when running mucho validator)
    • Type: string
    • Default: ~/.config/solana/id.json (same as the Agave CLI tool suite)
accountDir = "fixtures" # default="fixtures"
# accountDir = ".cache/accounts" # default="fixtures"

cluster = "mainnet" # default="mainnet"
# cluster = "devnet"
# cluster = "testnet"

# keypair = "any/local/path" # default="~/.config/solana/id.json"

programs configuration

The addresses of the programs in the workspace.

counter = "AgVqLc7bKvnLL6TQnBMsMAkT18LixiW9isEb21q1HWUR"
counter = "Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS"
counter = "BmDHboaj1kBUoinJKKSRqKfMeRKJqQqEbUj1VgzeQe4A"
counter = "AgVqLc7bKvnLL6TQnBMsMAkT18LixiW9isEb21q1HWUR"

These addresses will be used to load programs using the mucho validator at genesis.

clone configuration

The Solana.toml's clone configuration settings are used to provide a framework agnostic, consistent, and declarative way to clone data from the Solana blockchain for use in local development and testing. Including more fine grain control and quality of life improvements for Solana developers.

The cloned data (accounts, programs, etc) are referred to as "fixtures".

Each fixture type may support specific configuration settings and the following individual overrides via their Solana.toml declaration:

  • cluster - Desired cluster to clone the particular fixture from. If not declared, defaults to settings.cluster.
  • frequency - Desired clone frequency when performing the clone operation.
    • Type: enum
    • Values:
      • cached - (default) Only clone the fixture if it does not already exist locally.
      • always - Every time a clone operation is performed, this specific fixture will always be forced cloned from the cluster.


To clone any account from a Solana cluster, use the clone.account.<name> declaration.

Cloned accounts are stored as json files in the repo's settings.accountDir directory.

When account cloning occurs, the account's owner program will be automatically cloned from the same cluster and with the frequency. This helps ensure the cloned/stored account fixture will have the same program that knows its data structure and enables developers to correctly interact with the account while running their local test validator.


# this is a random wallet account, owned by system program
address = "GQuioVe2yA6KZfstgmirAvugfUZBcdxSi7sHK7JGk3gk"
# override the cluster for a particular account, if not defined: uses `settings.cluster`
cluster = "devnet"
frequency = "always"

# BONK mint address
address = "DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263"
cluster = "mainnet"

# random metaplex token metadata account
address = "5uZQ4GExZXwwKRNmpxwxTW2ZbHxh8KjDDwKne7Whqm4H"
# this account is owned by: metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s
# and will be auto clone the program without needing to declare it anywhere

The example above will clone the 3 accounts from the network(s) and the owner program for the 5uZQ4GExZXwwKRNmpxwxTW2ZbHxh8KjDDwKne7Whqm4H account (which happens to be metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s).


To clone any program from a Solana cluster, use the clone.program.<name> declaration.

Cloned accounts are stored as so binary files in the repo's settings.accountDir directory.

address = "BGUMAp9Gq7iTEuizy4pqaxsTyUCBK68MDfK752saRPUY"
cluster = "mainnet"
# if you want to always force clone the account
# frequency = "always"

address = "metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s"
# `cluster` is not defined => fallback to `settings.cluster`
# `frequency` is not defined => will only clone if the program binary is missing locally

Anchor Compatibility

This tool may support similar functionality and configuration enabled via the Anchor.toml file. If an Anchor.toml file is detected, this tool will make a best attempt to process the Anchor.toml file's configuration for functionality that this tool supports.

The Solana.toml settings will normally take priority over the Anchor.toml file's configuration.

The following Anchor.toml configuration settings are supported:

  • [programs.<network>] - Anchor's CLI requires the program address to be declared for each respective cluster. This tool will use the Anchor.toml declared program ids for each program and cluster defined, unless the same address is declared in the Solana.toml.
  • [[test.validator.clone]] - The program address listed will be cloned using the Anchor.toml declared test.validator.url value as the cluster, unless the same address is declared in the Solana.toml.
  • [[test.validator.account]] - The account address listed will be cloned using the Anchor.toml declared test.validator.url value as the cluster, unless the same address is declared in the Solana.toml. No matter the cluster, the account's owner program will automatically be cloned from that same cluster.

Some general difference between how Anchor may handle similar functionality that this tool supports include:

  • Cloned accounts/programs into the repo - This tool clones accounts and programs into the repo and expects these fixtures to be committed to git. Accounts are stored as .json files and programs as .so binary files.
  • Clone cache - Cloned fixtures are cached by default (in the repo), helping to reduce the load on RPC providers. This also helps developers working on the same source repository to have a consistent ledger state when performing local development and testing via mucho validator.
  • Mix-and-match cloning - This tool allows more fine grain control over which cluster any specific account/program gets cloned from. For example, if you want account1 to come from mainnet and account2 to come from devnet, you can easily accomplish this via Solana.toml.