Columnis Express is the new version of Columnis CMS. It is a simple ZF2 application that consumes Columnis API, assigns the data to the selected template engine and renders the request page.
To run columnis-express on your computer you must have doker installed and running.
Clone repository and run docker
$ git clone
$ cd columnis-express
$ docker-compose up -d
If the console gives you the following, we are on the right track don't worry about the warning
- Rename local.php.dist to local.php
$ cd config/autoload
$ mv local.php.dist local.php
php composer.phar install
Open localhost:8080 in your browser and if you get something like this (img), everything is ok
Inside public_html paste all your project dir (templates, assets, css, etc) like this:
Note: for all this to work the .htacces, 404.html, index.php and php.ini files must be inside public_html and must never be modified, deleted or anything like that.
Right now you can go back to localhost:8080 and you should see your web site 🥳🍾
PHP 5.4+ cURL
Zend Framework 2
Guzzle 5 -> Used to consume the Columnis API
AssetsManager + Assetic + filters -> Used to manage and minify stylesheets and scripts
Smarty -> Used as template engine.
Apigility -> Used to retrieve templates and invalidate cache.