Purpose: Script checks to see if WiFi has a network IP and if not restart WiFi
Control the ACT led to indicate status
Uses a lock file which prevents the script from running more than one at a time. If lockfile is old, it removes it
For more info:
cd wifi-monitor_1.0.0-1
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
sudo apt install ../wifi-monitor_1.0.0-1_all.deb
rm -rf wifi-monitor_1.0.0-1/debian
dpkg-deb --build wifi-monitor_1.0.0-1
sudo apt install ./wifi-monitor_1.0.0-1.deb
sudo apt purge wifi-monitor
journalctl -ft wifi-check
journalctl -ft wifi-led
journalctl -efu 'wifi-*'
... if the service is not running. And make sure to be locked back in. Ideally run in a tmux.
sudo ip link set wlan0 down; sleep 10; sudo ./wifi-check; sleep 2; sudo ip link set wlan0 up