Version 0.17.15 - Unique Status Codes and other fixes
- set unique status codes for different types of message
- translating wpkg-gp is now supported
- fixed internal message decoding and encoding, strings including non ASCII characters should now display fine at bootup gpe execution
- added option to block all systems with the blacklist feature
- Adding a line with
to the blacklist.txt wil block every connecting system from executing wpkg
- Adding a line with
- fixed network share connection problem if for some reason the share is allready connected to drive z
- if the drive letter z create problem in some environments please let me know and i will make this configureable
through the wpkg-gp config file.
- if the drive letter z create problem in some environments please let me know and i will make this configureable
- added german and spanish translation (spanish by Jsantolin)
I fixed several decoding and encoding options of wpkg-gp messages and package names, wpkg-gp should display everything fine now (bootup, pipeclient and wpkg-gp client (latest release)). If you encouter any problems please submit a report and your wpkg-gp log file.
German and spanish translations are included, if you don't want those to be enabled you have to remove the folders inside the locale directory of your installation.