This is a curated collection of free Ruby related eBooks available on the Internet. Please feel free to share and learn.
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You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- Beginning Ruby - From Novice to Professional - Third Edition [Download]
- Comprehensive Ruby Programming [Download]
- Continuous Testing - with Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript [Download]
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS [Download]
- Deploying with JRuby 9k - Deliver Scalable Web Apps Using the JVM [Download]
- Essential Ruby [Download]
- Exploring Everyday Things with R and Ruby - Sau Sheong Chang [Download]
- Head First Ruby - A Brain-Friendly Guide [Download]
- Learn Ruby on Rails - Learn web development with Ruby on Rails [Download]
- Learning Ruby - Michael Fitzgerald [Download]
- Metaprogramming Ruby 2 - Program Like the Ruby Pros [Download]
- Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby [Download]
- Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide - Fourth Edition [Download]
- Ruby Best Practices [Download]
- Ruby by Example - Concepts and Code [Download]
- Ruby Cookbook - Lucas Carlson & Leonard Richardson [Download]
- Ruby Data Processing - Using Map, Reduce, and Select [Download]
- Ruby For Kids For Dummies [Download]
- Ruby in a Nutshell - Yukihiro Matsumoto [Download]
- Ruby on Rails 5.0 for Autodidacts - Learn Ruby 2.3 and Rails 5.0 [Download]
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Learn Web Development with Rails - Fourth Edition [Download]
- Ruby Performance Optimization - Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It [Download]
- Ruby Pocket Reference - Second Edition [Download]
- Ruby Recipes - A Problem-Solution Approach [Download]
- Ruby Under a Microscope - An Illustrated Guide to Ruby Internals [Download]
- Ruby Wizardry - An Introduction to Programming for Kids [Download]
- Seven Languages in Seven Weeks [Download]
- Test Driven Development in Ruby [Download]
- The Book of Ruby - A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous [Download]
- The Ruby Programming Language [Download]
- The Ruby Way - Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming - Third Edition [Download]
- The Well-Grounded Rubyist - Second Edition [Download]