Flask-Argon2Hasher is a Flask extension that provides Argon2 hashing utilities for your Flask app.
Install the extension with the following command:
$ pip install flask-argon2hasher
To use the extension import the Argon2Hasher class.
from flask import Flask
from flask_argon2hasher import Argon2Hasher
Then either instantiate the class by passing your Flask app to it.
app = Flask(__name__)
argon2hasher = Argon2Hasher(app)
Or if you use the Application Factory pattern.
argon2hasher = Argon2Hasher()
def init_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
There´s a couple of different way to hash passwords using the extension.
password_hash_example1a = argon2hasher.hash("MySuperSecretPassword")
password_hash_example1b = argon2hasher.generate_password_hash("MySuperSecretPassword")
password_hash_example2a = app.password.hash("MySuperSecretPassword")
password_hash_example2b = app.password.generate_password_hash("MySuperSecretPassword")
To verify if a password is correct use one of the following examples.
if argon2hasher.verify(password_hash_example1a, "MySuperSecretPassword"):
print("Password match!")
print("Incorrect password!")
argon2hasher.check_password_hash(password_hash_example1b, "MySuperSecretPassword"):
app.password.verify(password_hash_example2a, "MySuperSecretPassword")
app.password.check_password_hash(password_hash_example2b, "MySuperSecretPassword")
It´s easy to configure Flask-Argon2Hasher using Flask configuration values. The default configuration are the per RFC 9106 recommended settings. There are several different predefined configuration profiles available.
- RFC_9106_HIGH_MEMORY (default)
The following configuration options are available.
Variable Name | Description | Type | Default |
Choose whether you want Argon2i ("I"), Argon2d ("D"), or Argon2id ("ID"). If you don’t know what that means, choose "ID". | string | "ID" |
The latest supported version of the Argon2 algorithm is 19. | integer | 19 |
Length of random salt to be generated for each password. | integer | 16 |
Length of the hash in bytes. | integer | 32 |
Defines the amount of computation realized and therefore the execution time, given in number of iterations. | integer | 1 |
Defines the memory usage, given in kibibytes. | integer | 2097152 |
Defines the number of parallel threads (changes the resulting hash value). | integer | 4 |
The Argon2 C library expects bytes. So if hash() or verify() are passed a str, it will be encoded using this encoding. | string | "utf-8" |
Add a pepper to the password. | string or boolean | False |
Use a predefined profile. | string | "Default" |
Load user defined profiles from JSON file. | string or bool | False |
You can create your own configuration profiles in a JSON file with the following syntax.
"type" : "ID",
"version" : 19,
"salt_len" : 16,
"hash_len" : 32,
"time_cost" : 3,
"memory_cost" : 65536,
"parallelism" : 4
"type" : "ID",
"version" : 19,
"salt_len" : 16,
"hash_len" : 32,
"time_cost" : 1,
"memory_cost" : 2097152,
"parallelism" : 4
Save the JSON in your project folder and update your configuration accordingly.
ARGON2HASHER_PROFILES_JSON = "my_argon2_profiles.json"
You have the option of using a password pepper by setting ARGON2HASHER_PEPPER to either a string or boolean value. If it´s a boolean value True, the password pepper defaults to "Argon2Pepper". Otherwise it will use whatever string value set in ARGON2HASHER_PEPPER. By default Flask-Argon2Hasher won´t use a pepper, but the option is there if you want it. If you decide to use it, make sure you store it somewhere safe and NOT alongside the password hashes in you database.
WARNING If you loose your pepper all password hashes created with it will be USELESS.