To publish the game on MagnaChain, you need an RPC client, which can be downloaded at:
Choose your own version according to your system environment
Run the following command in the MagnaChain directory
For Windows platform, enter:
Magnachain-cli.exe -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port getnewaddress
For Linux / Mac OS platform, enter:
Chmod +x
./magnachain-cli -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port getnewaddress
The command will return a new address like "XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf"
The nodeIp, user, pwd, port and other parameters in the command need to fill in the corresponding real MagnaChain node parameters.
In the current directory, create a new file, name it game.lua, and edit:
function init()
PersistentData = {}
PersistentData.killNumTbl = {}
function killMonster()
--print("GJ!One monster killed by you!")
PersistentData.killNumTbl[msg.sender] = (PersistentData.killNumTbl[msg.sender] or 0) + 1
return true
function showNum()
return PersistentData.killNumTbl[msg.sender]
For Windows platform, enter:
Magnachain-cli.exe -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port publishcontract game.lua XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf
For Linux / Mac OS platform, enter:
./magnachain-cli -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port publishcontract game.lua XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf
The command returns something like the following:
"txid": "7501667a85d2c35e57258f7f165a72156f7f8d43e9c03c4fe2e59875abacd3c6",
"contractaddress": "UpcuLWL6HcSSH5Rc5xQy6e6yEMPQZ9xvWs",
"senderaddress": "XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf"
This indicates that your contract has been successfully released, and "UpcuLWL6HcSSH5Rc5xQy6e6yEMPQZ9xvWs" is the contract address.
After our game contract is released, we can play this game by calling this contract.
For Windows platform, enter:
Magnachain-cli.exe -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port callcontract true 0 UpcuLWL6HcSSH5Rc5xQy6e6yEMPQZ9xvWs XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf killMonster
For Linux / Mac OS platform, enter:
./magnachain-cli -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port callcontract true 0 UpcuLWL6HcSSH5Rc5xQy6e6yEMPQZ9xvWs XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf killMonster
Every time we execute a command, we will kill one more monster. Let's take a look at how many we killed.
For Windows platform, enter:
Magnachain-cli.exe -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port callcontract true 0 UpcuLWL6HcSSH5Rc5xQy6e6yEMPQZ9xvWs XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf showNum
For Linux / Mac OS platform, enter:
./magnachain-cli -rpcconnect=nodeIp -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pwd -rpcport=port callcontract true 0 UpcuLWL6HcSSH5Rc5xQy6e6yEMPQZ9xvWs XQSD7PUPNCf8psJdfFMjfWXKuaHXFwSFRf showNum
This command will return the number of monsters we killed.
So far, we have initially developed a game on MagnaChain. Isn’t it very easy?
For more usage, please refer to the developer website.