Install dotfiles and binfiles:
rake install
Or separately:
rake dotfiles
rake binfiles
Few tasks to manage Sublime Text settings:
rake sublime:settings # Install settings
rake sublime:themes # Install custom themes
General purpose:
- Get current IP address of the machinedmg
- Quickly install DMG packageramfs
- Manage RAMFS volumes (OSX specific)gem-version
- Quickly check the latest gem versiongenpassword
- Generate a random passwordstatic_server
- Start a static content server in current directory
Git extras:
- Start a new git branch or checkout existing.master
- Switch to master branchdevelop
- Switch to development branchgit track
- Setup remote git branch trackinggit tarball
- Package git HEAD into tar.gz archivegit branches
- List all git branches and their diff stats with current branchgit merge-repo
- Import another repos to a subdirectory of the current repogit clean-merged
- Remove any local branches that were merged into master