I'm a Full Stack Web Developer skilled in MERN stack who focuses on writing clean, elegant and efficient code.
i love networking with people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! 😊
Policy Bazaar is a website where users can purchase policies and insurances related to health, car, and several other amenities. This project is a clone of Policy Bazaar being a collaborative effor…
In this project we have tried to make a look alike clone of Nykaa. With our efforts and the technology stack, that we have learned so far in the masai school.
Greenhouse is an American technology company provides a recruiting software as a service. Sells annual licenses to companies, allowing them to use Greenhouse's software. Greenhouse collects into on…
Video Calling App having features Login/Signup , Session management on login, Schedule a Meeting, Display All the Scheduled Meeting. Join Meeting, One on One Video Call.