TMX Parser for Loom Game Engine
Inspired by this discussion on the Loom Forums.
This is a pretty simple parser for TMX files produced by Tiled with a delegate-driven interface for handling the parsing of different elements.
Using the library is pretty simple:
import loom.Application;
import loom2d.display.StageScaleMode;
import tmx.*;
public class TMXTest extends Application
override public function run():void
// Comment out this line to turn off automatic scaling.
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.LETTERBOX;
// Load our tmx file and listen for when parts of it are parsed.
var tmx:TMXDocument = new TMXDocument("assets/tiled_examples/object_test.tmx");
tmx.onTilesetParsed += onTilesetParsed;
tmx.onLayerParsed += onLayerParsed;
tmx.onObjectGroupParsed += onObjectGroupParsed;
tmx.onImageLayerParsed += onImageLayerParsed;
tmx.onPropertiesParsed += onPropertiesParsed;
tmx.onTMXUpdated += onTMXUpdated;
tmx.onTMXLoadComplete += onTMXLoadComplete;
// Create a displayable map sprite that auto-updates when the map updates.
var map:TMXMapSprite = new TMXMapSprite(tmx);
// Load up the map.
public function onTMXUpdated(file:String, tmx:TMXDocument):void
// Called when TMX loads or has changed on disk
public function onTilesetParsed(file:String, tileset:TMXTileset):void
// Handle parsing of a tileset
public function onLayerParsed(file:String, layer:TMXLayer):void
// Handle parsing of a layer
public function onObjectGroupParsed(file:String, group:TMXObjectGroup):void
// Handle parsing of an object group
public function onImageLayerParsed(file:String, imageLayer:TMXImageLayer):void
// Handle parsing of an image layer
public function onPropertiesParsed(file:String, properties:Dictionary.<String, String>):void
// Called when map's properties have loaded
public function onTMXLoadComplete(file:String, tmx:TMXDocument):void
// Called when the TMX finishes loading
The above example is a simplified version of the provided app ( that comes with this repo. To see more of what's possible with the API, please tinker with it a bit (although the above example just showed you damn near everything).
Still TODO:
- Parser: support gzip compressed layers
- Parser: support embedded image data