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Install ansible: $ git clone git:// --recursive $ cd ./ansible $ source ./hacking/env-setup $ sudo easy_install pip

We can set export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false where we will run ansible so that it will be able to do SSH without any prompt.

SBS deployment steps: Create a directory for deployment say deploy and “git clone” the following in that directory:

One shot deployment: 1. Specify all the variable files in sbs-deploy-vars directory. 2. Go to sbs-deploy directory and run the following: ansible-playbook -v deploy_sbs.yaml -i inventory -u block_team

Individual service deployment:

1. Deploy ceph(go to sbs-deploy/ceph):
   a. Specify the required variables in vars/ceph_info.yml and other var files (self-explanatory) and add public IPs in [admin] and [nodes] in inventory file.
   b. deploy ceph:
          ansible-playbook -v deploy_ceph.yaml -i vars/inventory -u block_team

   c. Manual steps required:
      add rack info if required

2. Deploy keepalived(go to sbs-deploy/keepalived/):
   a. Specify keepalived_VIP in vars/keepalived_info.yml and adding the public IPs of all nodes in [hostList] in inventory file
   b. deploy keepalived on all nodes:
      ansible-playbook -v deploy_keepalived.yaml -i vars/inventory -u block_team
3. Deploy galera(go to sbs-deploy/galera/):
   a. Specify the required variables in vars/galera_info.yml (self-explanatory)..
   b. To deploy galera on all nodes, add in inventory for each ip, hostname and my_ip and use extra_arg to define --wsrep-new-cluster in case of master host.
      Run the following command:
      ansible-playbook -v deploy_galera.yaml -i inventory -u ubuntu

4. Deploy haproxy(go to sbs-deploy/haproxy/):
   a. Specify cinder,mysql hosts and haproxy_vip in var file and add all the public IPs in [hostList] in inventory file
       b. also define sbs_haproxy_ssl_pem in var file.
   c. deploy haproxy on all nodes:
      ansible-playbook -v deploy_haproxy.yaml -i vars/inventory -u block_team

5. Deploy cinder and zeromq(go to sbs-deploy/cinder/):

	a. it needs ca-certificates, clients, ec2, cinder packages, 
	b. it also need cinder.conf, ceph.conf, api-paste.ini for cinder and cinder-ec2-api.conf, api-paste.ini and ec2api.conf for cinder-ec2-api.
	c. It will deploy cinder and zeromq.

   Deployment steps:
	a. copy the required things as mentioned above in sbs-config directory.
	b. Specify the required variables in vars/cinder_info.yml and vars/proxy_info.yml (self-explanatory)..
	c. Run to deploy cinder:
	   ansible-playbook -v deploy_cinder.yaml -i vars/inventory -u block_team

6. Deploy metrics Packages.
    a. “git clone” the following in that directory:
    b. Manually scp sbs-telegraf/telegraf_0.11.1-1_amd64.deb to all the cinder-api, cinder-volume and cinder-backup hosts.
        scp -i ~/key.pem sbs-telegraf/telegraf_0.11.1-1_amd64.deb block-user@<cinder-host>:/tmp
    c. Install telegraf
        i) Specify the required variables in vars/telegraf.yml (self-explanatory)
        ii) Change the vars/inventory_telegraf file to update the hostlist
        iii) ansible-playbook -v telegraf/deploy_telegraf.yaml -i telegraf/vars/inventory_telegraf -u block_team
    d. Install metric-agent
        i) Change the vars/inventory_metric_agent file to update the hostlist
        ii) ansible-playbook -v metric-agent/deploy_metric_agent.yaml -i metric-agent/vars/inventory_metric_agent -u block_team
    e. Install supervisord
        i) Specify the required variables in vars/telegraf.yml (self-explanatory)
        ii) Change the vars/inventory_telegraf file to update the hostlist
        iii) ansible-playbook -v supervisord/deploy_supervisor.yaml -i supervisord/vars/inventory_supervisor -u block_team


Scripts to deploy SBS






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