A Vim plugin for:
- 📖 Checking phonetics
- 🎧 Listening to phonetics
Vim Phonetics is a vim plugin that gives you English phonetic transcriptions of focused words. You can choose between British English and American English. You can also listen to audio associated to transcriptions.
The phonetics (transcription and audio) comes from Oxford Learner's Dictionnaries.
Plug 'soywod/vim-phonetics'
Put your cursor under a word, then:
to get the transcription:PhoneticsPlay
to get the transcription and to play the sound
You can also specify the desired accent:
:Phonetics american
to get the American transcription:PhoneticsPlay british
to get the British transcription and play the sound
To set a default accent:
let g:phonetics_default_accent = 'american' | 'british'
Default value: british