Command-line application that turns a directory of WAVE files into MP3s.
This is an educational project - I guess there are more versatile encoders out there for real-world use. I was tasked with it for a job application, to prove my ability to develop portable, concurrent multimedia software.
I am sharing my results in the hope that it might be a useful example for LAME usage.
I can't provide the full specification (it is not my work), but the gist of it was:
- find all *.WAV files in the given directory.
- MP3 files to be put in same directory.
- Do not process subdirectories.
- Use all available CPU cores efficiently.
- Use sensible encoder settings.
- Use LAME library for encoding and link to it statically.
- Use pthread library - on Windows, too.
- Compile on Windows and Linux.
- Use C++.
Sorry guys, but in case you're applying to you-know-where - find your own solution :) All code removed from this repo (including history).
For other purposes, the code is available on request - if you can figure out my email adress and convince me you're not a job applicant :)