Designed and developed by @mikebz
This is a client library to help you get started with DocuSign eSignature API. To get started with using this library go to and get a free development account. After you get an account and an Integrator Key (App Key) you will be able to make test web service calls.
You can use eclipse to get going with it or potentially copy the src files somewhere else.
The JSON parsing is based on the Jackson library. To see examples of how the library can be used for most frequently used scenarios just look in the test directory. The unit tests showcase the most frequent usage scenarios.
NOTE: it does not and will not have the full functionality of the DocuSign service. Feel free to update the proxy classes yourself and contribute functions. Alternatively you can get the raw HTTP connection and send over your own JSON. For full functionality and documentation visit and
Integrator Key
: Identifies a single integration. Every API
request includes the Integrator Key and a
username/password combination
: Just like a normal Postal Envelope.It contains
things like Documents, Recipients, and Tabs
: The PDF, Doc, Image, or other item you want
signed. If it is not a PDF, you must include the File
Extension in the API call
: Tied to a position on a Document and defines what
happens there. For example, you have a SignHere Tab
wherever you want a Recipient to sign
: The person you want to send the Envelope
to. Requires a UserName and Email
Captive Recipient
: Recipient signs in an iframe on your
website instead of receving an email
: A pre-created Envelope that you can launch
instead of writing server-side code
To authenticate a given user against DocuSign's API service make the Login API call:
To authenticate a given user's credentials against the API and retrieve your baseUrl cal the Login API. NOTE: You only need to login users who wish to create and send signature request... signing is always free and signers do not need their own DocuSign account.
import com.docusign.esignature.*;
import com.docusign.esignature.json*;
// Instantiate a new DocuSignClient
DocuSignClient dsClient = new DocuSignClient("username", "password", "integratorKey");
// make the Login API call (boolean return value)
if( dsClient.login() )
// getLastResponseText() will print most recent API response text to stdout
System.out.println( dsClient.getLastResponseText() );
Request Signature On A Document
The following code will request a signature on a document. This simple example creates an Envelope with one recipient, one document, and one signature tab on that document for the recipient to sign. The recipient receives an email to initiate the signing flow. The below sample places a signHere tab 100 pixels right and 150 down from top left corner of page 1 of the document.
// Create new signature request object
RequestSignatureFromDocuments request = new RequestSignatureFromDocuments();
// create one recipient of type signer
Signer signer = new Signer();
List signers = Arrays.asList(signer);
Recipients recipients = new Recipients();
// place signature tab 100 pixels right and 150 pixels down from top left of page
SignHereTab tab1 = new SignHereTab();
List<SignHereTab> signatureTabs = Arrays.asList(tab1);
// assign the tab to the signer
Tabs tabs = new Tabs();
// set document info
Document document = new Document();
List documents = Arrays.asList(document);
// configure the signature request object
// "sent" to send request immediately, "created" to save as draft
File testFile = new File("/PATH/TO/DOCUMENT/TEST.PDF");
File[] files = new File[]{testFile};
//*** Create & send the envelope
String envelopeId = dsClient.requestSignatureFromDocuments(request, files);
Signature Request from a Template
To request a signature from a template in your account use the following code. With templates you can add documents, recipient roles, tabs and other workflow at design-time then when ready request a signature from that server template to any recipient(s). Assigning a recipient to a template role in turn makes them inherit all the previously configured workflow, tabs, etc that you created at design-time.
// create a new |RequestSignatureFromTemplate| object
RequestSignatureFromTemplate req = new RequestSignatureFromTemplate();
// email subject and template ID are required properties, many others available
req.setEmailSubject("Sent from a Template");
req.setTemplateId("Template ID goes here");
// create a |TemplateRole| object and assign values
TemplateRole tRole = new TemplateRole();
tRole.setEmail("[email protected]");
tRole.setName("John Doe");
tRole.setRoleName("Template role name goes here");
// TemplateRoles property takes a list of template roles
List<TemplateRole> list = new ArrayList<TemplateRole>();
// add our template role to the list and assign to the request
// "sent" to immediately send the signature request, "created" to save as draft
// make the signature request from template API call
Latest version this client was tested with: Eclipse 4.3 JDK 1.7
Dependencies are jackson-core
, jackson-annotations
, and jackson-databind
from FasterXML and lang
by Apache Commons. You can download the 4 needed JARs or open source through the following links:
Tested against jackson 2.5, lang 3.4
Please note: Applications are not allowed to poll for envelope status more
than once every 15 minutes and we discourage integrators from continuously
retrieving status on envelopes that are in a terminal state (Completed,
Declined, and Voided). Excessive polling will result in your API access
being revoked.
If you need immediate notification of envelope events we encourage you to
review envelope events or use our Connect Publisher technology, DocuSign
Connect as an alternative.
Professional Services is also available to help define and implement your project fast.
You can also find a lot of answered questions on StackOverflow by going here: