“Language is merely a tool we use to translate our thoughts. In the future we won’t need to code thoughts into language – we will uniformly send symbols and ideas and concepts without speaking … in the future, speech will be what baby talk is today.” Kevin Warwick quoted in Infoglut, How Too Much Information is Changing the Way We Think and Know by Mark Andrejevic.
- 👆 productivity is a framework designed to create knowledge.
- what is productivity?
- how is it defined, formed, quanitifed?
- when does it create knowledge?
- facilitate design of file based, visual and spatial productivity systems
- evolution of frameworks of productivity
- rethink zettelkasten
- think productivity in non .md file formats
- books
- posts
- The Origins of a Pattern Theory, The Future of the Theory, and The Generation of a Living World
- A City is not a Tree
- Lecture by at Harvard, presented on 27 October 1982
- Christopher Alexander’s New Architecture Program Offers an Alternative to Style and Orthodoxy
- A New Conception of the Universe
- Form Language, Pattern Language, and Complexity
- Criteria for an Intelligent Architecture
- How Christopher Alexander Changed Architecture—and Much More
- Let Christopher Alexander design your life
- papers
- The Structure of Pattern Languages
- Lingua Francas for Design: Sacred Places and Pattern Languages
- Some notes on Christopher Alexander
- Empirical Findings from The Nature of Order
- Christopher Alexander’s Battle for Beauty in a World Turning Ugly: The Inception of a Science of Architecture?
- Christopher Alexander’s Theory of Wholeness as a Tetrad of Creative Activity: The Examples of A New Theory of Urban Design and The Nature of Order
- Wiki as pattern language
- Main Structure Concept: A Role for the Individual in City Planning
- Problems before patterns: a different look at Christopher Alexander and pattern languages
- Edward Tufte meets Christopher Alexander
- An Interdisciplinary Study of Information Systems: Christopher Alexander and is Failure
- A Search for Beauty/A Struggle with Complexity: Christopher Alexander
- Connecting to the World: Christopher Alexander’s Tool for Human-Centered Design
- Christopher Alexander: an introduction for object-oriented designers
- Christopher Alexander’s A Pattern Language: analysing, mapping and classifying the critical response
- videos
- websites
- 2204182005 #readingalexander revised to #alexandermethods
- 2203242001 added #readingalexander, tracing knowledge maps
- 2203230917 time, VSs and #s deleted on views, added PWM & Place tabs
- 2201281121 item type VS05, place field
- 2201181023 personal workflow management | PWM = PDM + PIM + PKM
- 2201101943 forking gordon's patterns and library
- 2201060745 pinkzoo2017 reverts to shoppingtheatre2003
- 2112071729 extended draft list published
- 2112202329 item type VS03, revised class fields
- 2112161941 item type VS02, preliminary attempt in classification
- 2112151801 introduced timeline as field