This is a monorepo for portal
is the single page Vue.js application that delivers the website experienceinfrastructure
is the NodeJS backendnginx
is a configuration for Nginx server
Install the latest Mongodb and then import the data:
cd mongo
# install indexes and constrains
mongo bud < mongo_setup.js
# use your favorite command to unzip the database dump
mongoimport --db=bud --collection=users --jsonArray users.json
mongoimport --db=bud --collection=items --jsonArray items.json
mongoimport --db=bud --collection=poll_votes --jsonArray poll_votes.json
mongoimport --db=bud --collection=comments --jsonArray comments.json
mongoimport --db=bud --collection=comment_votes --jsonArray comment_votes.json
Copy .env.template
to .env
and update as needed. You may need to set your local IP address in CORS_ORIGINS property.
Copy .env.template
to .env
and update as needed. If you want to access the web
from other devices (e.g. mobile phone), you should point the endpoint properties
to the real IP address (not localhost or
You might need to unblock the ports 8080 (web), 3000 (backend) and 27017 (mongo) in your firewall.
The first terminal:
$ cd infrastructure
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
The second terminal:
$ cd spa
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
To log in, use the users defined in infrastructure/test/prepareUsers.js
and password BadPassword
This set up is neccessary for testing OAuth login (Facebook).
Install Nginx and copy nginx/dev/nginx.conf
to its conf
directory. Fix the path in root
The first terminal:
$ cd infrastructure
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
The second terminal:
$ cd spa
$ npm install
$ npm run buildDev
$ cd /path/to/nginx
$ nginx