My modified version of yacineMTB's dingllm.nvim.
How I use it:
- replace code in visual selection, following code comments.<leader>K
- read lines in buffer above cursor, answering questions.
Add your API keys to your env (export it in zshrc or bashrc)
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
config = function()
local system_prompt = [[
You are an AI programming assistant integrated into a code editor. Your purpose is to help the user with programming tasks as they write code or answer questions.
Key capabilities:
- Thoroughly analyze the user's code and provide insightful suggestions for improvements related to best practices, performance, readability, and maintainability. Explain your reasoning.
- Answer coding questions in detail, using examples from the user's own code when relevant. Break down complex topics step- Spot potential bugs and logical errors. Alert the user and suggest fixes.
- Upon request, add helpful comments explaining complex or unclear code.
- Suggest relevant documentation, StackOverflow answers, and other resources related to the user's code and questions.
- Engage in back-and-forth conversations to understand the user's intent and provide the most helpful information.
- Consider other possibilities to achieve the result, do not be limited by the prompt.
- Keep concise and use markdown.
- When asked to create code, only generate the code. No bugs.
- Think step by step.
local replace_prompt = [[
You are an AI programming assistant integrated into a code editor.
Follow the instructions in the code comments.
Generate code only.
Do not output markdown backticks like this ```.
Think step by step.
If you must speak, do so in comments.
Generate valid code only.
local dingllm = require('dingllm')
local release_url = ''
-- local g_model = 'gemini-1.5-flash'
-- local g_model = 'gemini-1.5-pro'
local beta_url = ''
-- local g_model = 'gemini-exp-1206'
local g_model = 'gemini-2.0-flash-exp'
local debug_path = '/tmp/dingllm_debug.log'
local function gemeni_replace()
url = beta_url,
model = g_model,
api_key_name = 'GEMINI_API_KEY',
system_prompt = replace_prompt,
replace = true,
debug = false,
debug_path = debug_path,
}, dingllm.make_gemini_spec_curl_args, dingllm.handle_gemini_spec_data)
local function gemeni_help()
url = beta_url,
model = g_model,
api_key_name = 'GEMINI_API_KEY',
system_prompt = system_prompt,
replace = false,
debug = false,
debug_path = debug_path,
}, dingllm.make_gemini_spec_curl_args, dingllm.handle_gemini_spec_data)
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>k', gemeni_replace, { desc = 'llm gemeni' })
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<leader>K', gemeni_help, { desc = 'llm gemeni_help' })
This extension woudln't exist if it weren't for