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PlayStation 1 bare-metal C examples

This repository contains a series of homebrew tutorials and well-commented examples for the original Sony PlayStation, built using no external SDKs or tools other than an up-to-date, unmodified GCC toolchain targeting the MIPS architecture, CMake as the build system and some Python scripts.

The following examples are currently available:

# Screenshot Description
0 Printing "hello world" over the serial port
1 Example 1 Initializing the GPU and drawing basic graphics
2 Example 2 Adding double buffering and animated graphics
3 Example 3 Improving GPU drawing efficiency using DMA chains
4 Example 4 Uploading a texture to VRAM and using it
5 Example 5 Using indexed color textures and color palettes
6 Example 6 Implementing spritesheets and simple font rendering
7 Example 7 Using ordering tables to control GPU drawing order
8 Example 8 Drawing a 3D spinning cube using the GTE
9 Example 9 Getting input from connected controllers

New examples showing how to make use of more hardware features will be added over time.

Building the examples

Installing dependencies

The only required dependencies are:

  • CMake 3.25 or later;
  • Python 3.10 or later;
  • Ninja;
  • a recent GCC toolchain configured for the mipsel-none-elf or mipsel-linux-gnu target triplet.

The toolchain can be installed on Windows through the mips script from the pcsx-redux project, on macOS using Homebrew or on Linux through a package manager or by spawning it from source, and should be added to your PATH environment variable in order to let CMake find it. If you have any of the open-source PS1 SDKs installed there is a good chance you already have a suitable toolchain set up (try running mipsel-none-elf-gcc and mipsel-linux-gnu-gcc in a terminal). The other dependencies can be obtained from their respective websites or through a package manager.

The Python scripts require a few additional dependencies, which can be installed in a virtual environment by running the following commands from the root directory of the repository:

# Windows (using PowerShell)
py -m venv env
py -m pip install -r tools\requirements.txt

# Windows (using Cygwin/MSys2), Linux or macOS
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r tools/requirements.txt

Building with an IDE

Many IDEs and text editors feature out-of-the-box support for CMake, so you should be able to import the repo into your IDE of choice and immediately get a working "build" button once the toolchain is set up. If you are using VS Code, installing the CMake Tools and clangd extensions for build integration as well as context-sensitive suggestions is highly recommended.

If the toolchain is not listed in your PATH environment variable, you will have to set the TOOLCHAIN_PATH CMake variable to the full path to your toolchain's bin subdirectory (e.g. /opt/mipsel-linux-gnu/bin) using your IDE's CMake cache editor. See your IDE's documentation for information on accessing the cache editor; in VS Code with the CMake Tools extension, the editor can be opened by selecting "Edit CMake Cache (UI)" from the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).

Building from the command line

If you cannot use an IDE or prefer working from the command line, simply run these two commands from the repository's root:

cmake --preset debug
cmake --build build

If you are unfamiliar with CMake, the first command is what's known as the configure command and prepares the build directory for the second command, which actually runs the compiler and generates the executables. Once the build directory is prepared you'll no longer have to run the configure command unless you edit the CMake scripts to e.g. add new examples or source files.

You may replace debug with release to enable release mode, which will turn on additional compiler optimizations, remove assertions and produce smaller binaries. Replacing it with min-size-release will further optimize the executables for size at the expense of performance.

If the toolchain is not listed in your PATH environment variable, you will have to pass the path to its bin subdirectory to the configure command via the -DTOOLCHAIN_PATH option, like this:

cmake --preset debug -DTOOLCHAIN_PATH=/opt/mipsel-linux-gnu/bin

Note on floating point support

The PlayStation does not have a floating point unit. While GCC can still provide support for floats through emulation, some prebuilt versions of the mipsel-none-elf and mipsel-linux-gnu toolchains ship with floating point emulation partially or fully disabled at build time. For this reason, the build scripts do not explicitly enable it.

If you have a toolchain known to have full support for software floating point (e.g. one you built yourself with the appropriate options) but that does not have it enabled by default, you may force it by adding the following line to CMakeLists.txt:

target_compile_options(flags INTERFACE -msoft-float)

Keep in mind that software floats are particularly slow, code-heavy and shall be avoided at all costs. The included printf library has been modified to disable the %f specifier, regardless of whether the toolchain supports software floats, in order to reduce code size.

Modifying the code

If you want to write your own examples or projects, here's a quick overview of the non-example subfolders in the src directory:

  • src/libc contains a minimal implementation of the C standard library, which should be enough for most purposes. Some functions have been replaced with optimized assembly implementations.
  • src/ps1 contains a basic support library for the hardware, currently consisting mostly of definitions for hardware registers and GPU commands.
  • src/vendor is for third-party libraries (currently only the printf library).

Take a look at CMakeLists.txt to see how to add new executables to the build system (I promise it won't be as scary as you imagine).


I have been occasionally asked if I could provide an example of PS1 homebrew programming that is completely self-contained, permissively licensed and does not depend on an external SDK. While there are a number of PS1 SDK options around (including some I have contributed to), their workflows may not suit everyone and some of the most popular options are additionally encumbered with legal issues that make them a non-starter for commercial homebrew games, and/or limitations that are hard to work around. As I have been moving away from using such libraries myself, I set out to take what I am currently building for my projects, clean it up and turn it into a tutorial series for other people to follow.

I want this repo to be an introduction to bare-metal platforms and the PS1 for anybody who already has some experience with C/C++ but not necessarily with the process of linking and compiling, the internals of a standard library, the way threads and IRQs work at the kernel level and so on. I strongly believe that demystifying the inner workings of a platform can go a long way when it comes to helping people understand it. Most 8-bit and 16-bit consoles have received a lot of attention and excellent bare-metal tutorials have been written for them, so I don't get why people shall just give up and use ancient proprietary SDKs from the 1990s when it comes to the PS1.


Everything in this repository, including the vendored copy of Marco Paland's printf library, is licensed under the MIT license. If you want to build a project or even your own tutorial series on top of my code, attribution would be highly appreciated but is not strictly required.