Dead simple 2D DXF writer. 2D space only (z is always 0).
npm install dxf-writer
Supported entities: line, arc, circle and text. Supported colors: red, green, cyan, blue, magenta and white. 3 line type out of the box (CONTINOUS, DASHED, DOTTED) with the ability to add a custom line type.
let d = new Drawing();
d.addLineType('DASHDOT', '_ . _ ', [0.5, -0.5, 0.0, -0.5]);
const Drawing = require('dxf-writer');
const fs = require('fs');
let d = new Drawing();
d.drawText(10, 0, 10, 0, 'Hello World'); // draw text in the default layer named "0"
d.addLayer('l_green', Drawing.ACI.GREEN, 'CONTINOUS');
d.drawText(20, -70, 10, 0, 'go green!');
//or fluent
d.addLayer('l_yellow', Drawing.ACI.YELLOW, 'DOTTED')
.drawCircle(50, -30, 25);
fs.writeFileSync(__filename + '.dxf', d.toDxfString());