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Simple linear expression solver built using C#. Project SharpSolver implements solver logic, SharpSolverUI and SharpSolverUI.Avalonia implement the solver application GUI.

This application uses:

Using the Standalone solver library

You can import only the SharpSolver functionality library by importing the SharpSolver NuGet package by running dotnet add package SharpSolver.

Solving by Linear Model

You can generate a SolvedModel from a LinearModel by calling the static Solve method from LinearModelSolver.


SolvedModel solvedModel = LinearModelSolver.Solve(inputModel);

Solving by string input

You can generate a LinearModel from a string input by using the LinearParser class. It expects a strictly defined model with an objective declaration (Min Z / Max Z) on the first line and a series of constraints defined on each new line after that.

string inputString = @"MAX Z = 3X1 + 5X2
X1 <= 4
2X2 <= 12
3X1 + 2X2 <= 18";

LinearModel linearModel = LinearParser.Parse(inputString);
SolvedModel solvedModel = LinearModelSolver.Solve(model);

//Outputs "Result: 36"
Console.WriteLine($"Result: {solvedModel.Z.ToFractionString()}")

You may also write a custom wrapper that receives a string and returns a LinearModel if the default LinearParser is not sufficient.

Creating a Linear Model

A LinearModel is composed of:

  • An Objective (Maximize, Minimze)
  • A list of Variables
  • A list of Constraints
  • An objecive function (a list of ValueVariables)

The following is an example of how to build a LinearModel equivalent to the previous example's string.

Variable X1 = Variable.Input("X1");
Variable X2 = Variable.Input("X2");

Constraint C1 = Constraint.LessThanOrEqualTo("C1", 4, X1.As(1));
Constraint C2 = Constraint.LessThanOrEqualTo("C2", 12, X2.As(2));
Constraint C3 = Constraint.LessThanOrEqualTo("C3", 18, X1.As(3),X2.As(2));
//Alternatively, receiving an IEnumerable<ValueVariable>
//Constraint C3 = Constraint.LessThanOrEqualTo("C3", 18, new []{X1.As(3), X2.As(2)});

List<ValueVariable> ObjectiveFunction = new []{X1.As(3), X2.As(5)}.ToList();
LinearModel linearModel = new LinearModel{
    Objective = Objective.MAX,
    Variables = new[]{X1,X2}.ToList(),
    Constraints = new[]{C1,C2,C3}.ToList(),
    ObjectiveFunction = ObjectiveFunction

SolvedModel solvedModel = LinearModelSolver.Solve(linearModel);

//Outputs "Result: 36"
Console.WriteLine($"Result: {solvedModel.Z.ToFractionString()}");