php2zep is a tool that translate php language into zephir language
git clone
Then, require the Php2Zep.php.
<?php define('APP_DIR', dirname(__DIR__)); require APP_DIR . "/Php2Zep.php"; $inputDir = APP_DIR . "/examples/php/myapp"; // assume that this is the directory of your application which is written by php $outputDir = APP_DIR . "/examples/zep/myapp"; // destination directory, .zep $obj = new Php2Zep(); $obj->handleDir($inputDir, $outputDir);
In this example, we'll write a simple MVC applicataion using PHP, and then, translate them into zephir scripts, then build an extension. And at last, run the application with several lines of code. (Linux Only)
Of course we must have Zephir installed. See Zephir
cd /home/theta/zephir zephir myapp
Then we have the directory structure as below:
+ myapp
| - config.json
| + ext
| + myapp (we'll put translated zephir scripts here, assume this directory is /home/theta/zephir/myapp/myapp)
We have the structure as below:
+ myapp (assume this directory is /home/theta/php/myapp)
| + controllers
| - UserController.php
| + models
| - UserModel.php
| - Application.php
<?php namespace myapp\models; class UserModel { ... }
See the "examples" directory for more detail.
<?php namespace myapp\controllers; use myapp\models\UserModel; class UserController { private $_model; public function __construct() { $this->_model = new UserModel(); } ... }
See the "examples" directory for more detail.
<?php namespace myapp; class Application { private $_defaultControllerNameSpace = "\Myapp\Controllers"; private $_defaultController = "user"; private $_DefaultAction = "index"; private $_controllerSuffix = "Controller"; private $_actionSuffix = "Action"; public function __construct() { } public function parseRoute() { ... } public function run() { ... } }
See the "examples" directory for more detail.
$inputDir = "/home/theta/php/myapp"; $outputDir = "/home/theta/zephir/myapp/myapp"; $obj = new Php2Zep(); $obj->handleDir($inputDir, $outputDir);
php convert.php
move to /home/theta/zephir/myapp/myapp, we can see:
+ myapp
| + controllers
| - UserController.zep
| + models
| - UserModel.zep
| - Application.zep
cd /home/theta/zephir/myapp sudo zephir install
Add to your php.ini
php -m | grep "myapp" // output: myapp
Write a bootstrap script ( saving as index.php):
<?php $app = new \Myapp\Application(); echo json_encode($app->run());
Restart phpfpm
killall phpfpm phpfpm
Visit http://localhost/myapp/index.php
, output:
Congratulations! It Works!