A generative world for general-purpose robotics & embodied AI learning.
➿A rerun plugin and tools for 3D animation
Official implementation of "DeMoCap: Low-cost Marker-based Motion Capture" method.
Running Google Mediapipe Hand Tracking models on Luxonis DepthAI hardware (OAK-D-lite, OAK-D, OAK-1,...)
moai is a PyTorch-based AI Model Development Kit (MDK) created to improve data-driven model workflows, design and reproducibility.
Lite-HRNet: A Lightweight High-Resolution Network
Unofficial implimentation of Visual Transformers: Token-based Image Representation and Processing for Computer Vision
A generalizable application framework for segmentation, regression, and classification using PyTorch
Semi-supervised Meta-learning with Disentanglement for Domain-generalised Medical Image Segmentation
vios-s / DGNet
Forked from xxxliu95/DGNetSemi-supervised Meta-learning with Disentanglement for Domain-generalised Medical Image Segmentation
PyTorch implementation of Spatial Transformer Network (STN) with Thin Plate Spline (TPS)
[CVPR 2020 Workshop] A PyTorch GAN library that reproduces research results for popular GANs.
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020, Oral)
Code for the paper Leveraging multiple datasets for deep leaf counting.
Markerless volumetric alignment for depth sensors. Contains the code of the work "Deep Soft Procrustes for Markerless Volumetric Sensor Alignment" (IEEE VR 2020).
This repo includes the source code of the fully convolutional depth denoising model presented in (ICCV19)
A multi-sensor capture system for free viewpoint video.