ESP8266 firmware to receive lighting data over TPM2, Art-Net and drive a WS2801 addressable LED strip.
esp8266_tpm2net is a custom firmware for the esp8266 wifi module that will drive a strand of addressable RGB LED pixels using the TPM2NET control protocol.
richardghirst / rpi_ws281x
Forked from jgarff/rpi_ws281xUserspace Raspberry Pi PWM library for WS281X LEDs
Tools to support multiple concurrent effects on NeoPixel strips/rings.
WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP8266
An Arduino NeoPixel support library supporting a large variety of individually addressable LEDs. Please refer to the Wiki for more details. Please use the GitHub Discussions to ask questions as the…
A web based controller using FastLED library.
A simple, multi-user interface for managing layers and sources. Useful for testing and familiarization with Blinken.
ideafablabs / blinken
Forked from mattolson/blinkennode.js based controller for large arrays of WS2801 LED pixels
Control thousands of WS2811/2812 LEDs at video refresh speeds
The FastLED library for colored LED animation on Arduino. Please direct questions/requests for help to the FastLED Reddit community: We'd like to use github "issues" just for tr…
sreinthaler / cslug-site
Forked from cslug/cslug-siteThe Chico State Linux Users Group website