Tutorial materials for the QIP Spring School 2023
T1 -
: Solution of the Garden Optimization problem on the D-Wave quantum annealer. -
T2 -
: Solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem through large cities in Europe using the D-Wave quantum annealer. -
T3 -
: QAOA (Qiskit) solution of the Garden Optimization problem. -
T4 -
: Combinatorial binary problem formulation of the Knapsack problem and its solution using the QAOA (Qiskit) algorithm.
No installation is required on JUNIQ
- all the packages are readily available
in the default Python 3 kernel.
One only needs to clone the repository using the JupyterLab Git/Clone a Repository
git clone https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/qip/springschool2023.git
For the D-Wave tutorials, one needs to install the D-Wave Ocean SDK as described in the documentation of the package dwave-ocean-sdk
. For the TSP, it is additionally helpful to install cartopy
for the visualizations to work.
With conda
conda create -n ss23-qaoa python=3
conda activate ss23-qaoa
Or with venv
python3 -m venv ss23-qaoa
source ss23-qaoa/bin/activate
pip install qiskit 'qiskit-optimization[cplex]' matplotlib pandas networkx openpyxl jupyterlab ipywidgets
python -m ipykernel install --name=ss23-qaoa --user
jupyter lab