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This document aims to help you get a simple but powerful start_macro for your SV08 printer!

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A better start_print macro


KAMP IS ALSO APPLIED IN THIS MACRO. Other methods can be used too

There are STATUS_ macros built into the start print sequence. These have all been commented out to prevent unknown errors. If you have LEDs setup in your printer, look here

This start_print macro will pass data from your slicer to your printer and perform all necessary preflight commands for a successful print on your printer running Klipper. This means heatsoak, QGL/Z-tilt, bed mesh and a primeline before each print.

I have included an additional START_PRINT macro that does not call for the chamber thermistor if you do not have one. If you do not have a chamber thermistor, the alt macro has a predefined 15min heat soak timer to ensure the chamber is to temp.

⚠️ Required changes in your slicer ⚠️

You need to replace your "Start G-code" in your slicer to be able to send data from slicer to this macro. Click on the slicer you use below and read the instructions.

SuperSlicer In Superslicer go to "Printer settings" -> "Custom g-code" -> "Start G-code" and update it to:
M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
START_PRINT EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature] MATERIAL=[filament_type]
OrcaSlicer In OrcaSlicer go to "Printer settings" -> "Machine start g-code" and update it to:
M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
START_PRINT EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature] MATERIAL=[filament_type]

In PrusaSlicer go to "Printer settings" -> "Custom g-code" -> "Start G-code" and update it to:

M104 S0 ; Stops PrusaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
start_print EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature] MATERIAL=[filament_vendor]

In Cura go to "Settings" -> "Printer" -> "Manage printers" -> "Machine settings" -> "Start G-code" and update it to:

start_print EXTRUDER={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} CHAMBER={build_volume_temperature} MATERIAL={material_type}

⚠️ OPTIONAL changes in your printer configuration ⚠️

The start_print macro has predefined names for nevermore and chamber thermistor. If you are adding a nevermore and/or a chamnber thermistor, make sure that yours are named correctly. In your printer.cfg file verify the following:

Chamber thermistor: Make sure chamber thermistor is named "chamber" and update XXX.

[temperature_sensor chamber]
sensor_type:  XXX
sensor_pin:   XXX

Nevermore: Make sure nevermore is named "nevermore" and update XXX.

[output_pin nevermore]
pin: XXX
value: 0
shutdown_value: 0

Remember to add SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=0 to your End Print Macro to turn the nevermore off.



The macro was updated recently (02-01-2025). If you run in to any issues then please let me know by opening a issue on github.

Copy either macro and replace your old print_start/start_print macro in your printer configuration (e.g. printer.cfg, macros.cfg, ect). Then read through and uncomment parts of this macro.

With a Chamber thermistor
#   A better start_print macro

[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
  # This part fetches data from your slicer, such as bed temp, extruder temp, chamber temp, and the size of your printer.
  {% set target_bed = params.BED|int %}
  {% set target_extruder = params.EXTRUDER|int %}
  {% set target_chamber = params.CHAMBER|default("40")|int %}
  {% set x_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float / 2 %}
  {% set y_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float / 2 %}

  # Homes the printer, sets absolute positioning, and updates the Stealthburner LEDs.
  #STATUS_HOMING                                                    # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode

  {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}
    G28                                                            # Full home (XYZ)
  {% else %}
    G28 Z                                                         # Home only Z if X and Y have been homed
  {% endif %}
  G90                                                             # Use absolute/relative coordinates
  M400                                                            # Wait for current moves to finish
  CLEAR_PAUSE                                                     # Clear any existing pause state

  # Uncomment for bed mesh (1 of 2)
  BED_MESH_CLEAR                                                  # Clears old saved bed mesh (if any)

  # Checks if the bed temp is higher than 90C - if so, then trigger a heat soak.
  {% if params.BED|int > 90 %}
    M117 Bed: {target_bed}C                                      # Display bed temperature
    #STATUS_HEATING                                              # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
    M106 S255                                                    # Turns on the PT-fan
    # Uncomment if you have a Nevermore.
    SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=1                                # Turns on the Nevermore
    G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000                            # Go to the center of the bed
    M190 S{target_bed}                                          # Sets the target temp for the bed
    M117 Heatsoak: {target_chamber}C                            # Display heatsoak info
    TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="temperature_sensor chamber" MINIMUM={target_chamber}   # Waits for the chamber to reach the desired temp

  # If the bed temp is not over 90c, then handle soak based on material
  {% else %}
    M117 Bed: {target_bed}C                                     # Display bed temperature
    #STATUS_HEATING                                              # Sets SB-leds to heating-mode
    G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000                            # Go to center of the bed
    M190 S{target_bed}                                          # Sets the target temp for the bed
    # Material-based soak times with variant handling
    {% set raw_material = params.MATERIAL|default("PLA")|string|upper %}
    # Extract base material type by handling variants
    {% set material = namespace(type="") %}
    {% if "PLA" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "PLA" %}
    {% elif "PETG" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "PETG" %}
    {% elif "TPU" in raw_material or "TPE" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "TPU" %}
    {% elif "PVA" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "PVA" %}
    {% elif "HIPS" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "HIPS" %}
    {% else %}
        {% set material.type = raw_material %}
    {% endif %}

    # Define soak times
    {% set soak_time = {
        "PLA": 180000,    # 3 minutes - Standard PLA soak time
        "PETG": 240000,   # 4 minutes - PETG needs slightly longer to stabilize
        "TPU": 180000,    # 3 minutes - TPU/TPE materials
        "PVA": 180000,    # 3 minutes - Support material, similar to PLA
        "HIPS": 240000    # 4 minutes - When used as support/primary under 90C
    }[material.type]|default(300000) %}    # Default to 5 minutes if material not found
    M117 Soak: {soak_time/60000|int}min ({raw_material})        # Display soak time and material
    G4 P{soak_time}                                             # Execute soak timer
  {% endif %}

  #   # Comment out for Trident (Z_TILT_ADJUST)
  # {% if 'z_tilt' in printer and not printer.z_tilt.applied %}
  #   #STATUS_LEVELING                                            # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
  #   M117 Z-tilt adjust                                         # Display Z-tilt adjustment
  #   Z_TILT_ADJUST                                              # Levels the buildplate via z_tilt_adjust
  #   G28 Z                                                      # Homes Z again after z_tilt_adjust
  # {% endif %}

  # Uncomment for V2 (Quad gantry level AKA QGL)
  #{% if printer.quad_gantry_level.applied == False %}
  #  #STATUS_LEVELING                                             # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
  #  M117 QGL                                                    # Display QGL status
  #  QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL                                           # Levels the gantry
  #  #STATUS_HOMING                                               # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode
  #  G28 Z                                                       # Homes Z again after QGL
  #{% endif %}

  # Heating the nozzle to 150C. This helps with getting a correct Z-home
  #STATUS_HEATING                                                # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
  M117 Hotend: 150C                                             # Display hotend temperature
  M109 S150                                                     # Heats the nozzle to 150C

  #STATUS_CLEANING                                               # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
  CLEAN_NOZZLE EXTRUDER={target_extruder}                      # Clean nozzle before printing

  SMART_PARK                                                    # Parks the toolhead neat the beginning of the print

  # Uncomment for bed mesh (2 of 2)
  #STATUS_MESHING                                               # Sets SB-LEDs to bed mesh-mode
  M117 Bed mesh                                                # Display bed mesh status
  BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ADAPTIVE=1                                # Starts bed mesh

  M400                                                         # Wait for current moves to finish

  SMART_PARK                                                   # KAMP smart park

  # Heats up the nozzle to target via data from the slicer
  M117 Hotend: {target_extruder}C                             # Display target hotend temperature
  #STATUS_HEATING                                              # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
  M107                                                        # Turns off part cooling fan
  M109 S{target_extruder}                                     # Heats the nozzle to printing temp
  # Gets ready to print by doing a purge line and updating the SB-LEDs
  M117 The purge...                                           # Display purge status
  #STATUS_CLEANING                                             # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
  LINE_PURGE                                                  # KAMP line purge

  M117 Printer goes brrr                                      # Display print starting
  #STATUS_PRINTING                                             # Sets SB-LEDs to printing-mode
Without a Chamber thermistor (15 min soak)
#   A better start_print macro

[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
  # This part fetches data from your slicer, such as bed temp, extruder temp, and the size of your printer.
  {% set target_bed = params.BED|int %}
  {% set target_extruder = params.EXTRUDER|int %}
  {% set x_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float / 2 %}
  {% set y_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float / 2 %}

  # Homes the printer, sets absolute positioning, and updates the Stealthburner LEDs.
  #STATUS_HOMING                                                    # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode

  {% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}
    G28                                                            # Full home (XYZ)
  {% else %}
    G28 Z                                                         # Home only Z if X and Y have been homed
  {% endif %}
  G90                                                             # Use absolute/relative coordinates
  M400                                                            # Wait for current moves to finish
  CLEAR_PAUSE                                                     # Clear any existing pause state

  # Uncomment for bed mesh (1 of 2)
  BED_MESH_CLEAR                                                  # Clears old saved bed mesh (if any)

  # Checks if the bed temp is higher than 90C - if so, then trigger a fixed 15-minute heatsoak
  {% if params.BED|int > 90 %}
    M117 Bed: {target_bed}C                                      # Display bed temperature
    #STATUS_HEATING                                              # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
    M106 S255                                                    # Turns on the PT-fan at full speed for high temp
    # Uncomment if you have a Nevermore.
    #SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=1                               # Turns on the Nevermore
    G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000                            # Go to the center of the bed
    M190 S{target_bed}                                          # Sets the target temp for the bed
    M117 High Temp Heatsoak: 15min                              # Display heatsoak info
    G4 P900000                                                  # Wait 15 minutes for heatsoak

  # If the bed temp is not over 90c, then handle soak based on material
  {% else %}
    M117 Bed: {target_bed}C                                     # Display bed temperature
    #STATUS_HEATING                                              # Sets SB-leds to heating-mode
    M106 S150                                                    # Turns on the PT-fan at lower speed for low temp
    G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000                            # Go to center of the bed
    M190 S{target_bed}                                          # Sets the target temp for the bed
    # Material-based soak times with variant handling
    {% set raw_material = params.MATERIAL|default("PLA")|string|upper %}
    # Extract base material type by handling variants
    {% set material = namespace(type="") %}
    {% if "PLA" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "PLA" %}
    {% elif "PETG" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "PETG" %}
    {% elif "TPU" in raw_material or "TPE" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "TPU" %}
    {% elif "PVA" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "PVA" %}
    {% elif "HIPS" in raw_material %}
        {% set material.type = "HIPS" %}
    {% else %}
        {% set material.type = raw_material %}
    {% endif %}

    # Define soak times
    {% set soak_time = {
        "PLA": 180000,    # 3 minutes - Standard PLA soak time
        "PETG": 240000,   # 4 minutes - PETG needs slightly longer to stabilize
        "TPU": 180000,    # 3 minutes - TPU/TPE materials
        "PVA": 180000,    # 3 minutes - Support material, similar to PLA
        "HIPS": 240000    # 4 minutes - When used as support/primary under 90C
    }[material.type]|default(300000) %}    # Default to 5 minutes if material not found
    M117 Soak: {soak_time/60000|int}min ({raw_material})        # Display soak time and material
    G4 P{soak_time}                                             # Execute soak timer
  {% endif %}

  # Comment out for Trident (Z_TILT_ADJUST)
  #{% if 'z_tilt' in printer and not printer.z_tilt.applied %}
  #  STATUS_LEVELING                                            # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
  #  M117 Z-tilt adjust                                        # Display Z-tilt adjustment
  #  Z_TILT_ADJUST                                              # Levels the buildplate via z_tilt_adjust
  #  G28 Z                                                      # Homes Z again after z_tilt_adjust
  #{% endif %}

  # Comment out for V2 (Quad gantry level AKA QGL)
  #{% if printer.quad_gantry_level.applied == False %}
  #  STATUS_LEVELING                                             # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
  #  M117 QGL                                                    # Display QGL status
  #  QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL                                           # Levels the gantry
  #  STATUS_HOMING                                               # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode
  #  G28 Z                                                       # Homes Z again after QGL
  #{% endif %}

  # Heating the nozzle to 150C. This helps with getting a correct Z-home
  #STATUS_HEATING                                                # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
  M117 Hotend: 150C                                             # Display hotend temperature
  M109 S150                                                     # Heats the nozzle to 150C

  #STATUS_CLEANING                                               # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
  CLEAN_NOZZLE EXTRUDER={target_extruder}                      # Clean nozzle before printing

  SMART_PARK                                                    # Parks the toolhead near the beginning of the print

  # Uncomment for bed mesh (2 of 2)
  #STATUS_MESHING                                               # Sets SB-LEDs to bed mesh-mode
  M117 Bed mesh                                                # Display bed mesh status
  BED_MESH_CALIBRATE ADAPTIVE=1                                # Starts bed mesh

  M400                                                         # Wait for current moves to finish

  SMART_PARK                                                   # KAMP smart park

  # Heats up the nozzle to target via data from the slicer
  M117 Hotend: {target_extruder}C                             # Display target hotend temperature
  #STATUS_HEATING                                              # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
  M107                                                        # Turns off part cooling fan
  M109 S{target_extruder}                                     # Heats the nozzle to printing temp
  # Gets ready to print by doing a purge line and updating the SB-LEDs
  M117 Printer goes brrr                                      # Display print starting
  #STATUS_CLEANING                                             # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
  LINE_PURGE                                                  # KAMP line purge
  #STATUS_PRINTING                                             # Sets SB-LEDs to printing-mode


01-11-2025: Initial creation 02-01-2025: WTFBBQAUCE I forgot to put all of the changes down. It's been a lot of formatting, additions, ect.

Interested in more macros?

Hungry for more macromania? Make sure to check out these awesome links.


A big thank you to the Voron Communuity for helping make this macro.


If you have feedback please open an issue on github.


This document aims to help you get a simple but powerful start_macro for your SV08 printer!






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