KAMP IS ALSO APPLIED IN THIS MACRO. Other methods can be used too
There are STATUS_ macros built into the start print sequence. These have all been commented out to prevent unknown errors. If you have LEDs setup in your printer, look here
This start_print macro will pass data from your slicer to your printer and perform all necessary preflight commands for a successful print on your printer running Klipper. This means heatsoak, QGL/Z-tilt, bed mesh and a primeline before each print.
I have included an additional START_PRINT macro that does not call for the chamber thermistor if you do not have one. If you do not have a chamber thermistor, the alt macro has a predefined 15min heat soak timer to ensure the chamber is to temp.
You need to replace your "Start G-code" in your slicer to be able to send data from slicer to this macro. Click on the slicer you use below and read the instructions.
In Superslicer go to "Printer settings" -> "Custom g-code" -> "Start G-code" and update it to:M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
START_PRINT EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature] MATERIAL=[filament_type]
In OrcaSlicer go to "Printer settings" -> "Machine start g-code" and update it to:M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
START_PRINT EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature] MATERIAL=[filament_type]
In PrusaSlicer go to "Printer settings" -> "Custom g-code" -> "Start G-code" and update it to:
M104 S0 ; Stops PrusaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
start_print EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER=[chamber_temperature] MATERIAL=[filament_vendor]
In Cura go to "Settings" -> "Printer" -> "Manage printers" -> "Machine settings" -> "Start G-code" and update it to:
start_print EXTRUDER={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} CHAMBER={build_volume_temperature} MATERIAL={material_type}
The start_print macro has predefined names for nevermore and chamber thermistor. If you are adding a nevermore and/or a chamnber thermistor, make sure that yours are named correctly. In your printer.cfg file verify the following:
Chamber thermistor: Make sure chamber thermistor is named "chamber" and update XXX.
[temperature_sensor chamber]
sensor_type: XXX
sensor_pin: XXX
Nevermore: Make sure nevermore is named "nevermore" and update XXX.
[output_pin nevermore]
pin: XXX
value: 0
shutdown_value: 0
Remember to add SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=0
to your End Print Macro to turn the nevermore off.
The macro was updated recently (02-01-2025). If you run in to any issues then please let me know by opening a issue on github.
Copy either macro and replace your old print_start/start_print macro in your printer configuration (e.g. printer.cfg, macros.cfg, ect). Then read through and uncomment parts of this macro.
With a Chamber thermistor
# A better start_print macro
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
# This part fetches data from your slicer, such as bed temp, extruder temp, chamber temp, and the size of your printer.
{% set target_bed = params.BED|int %}
{% set target_extruder = params.EXTRUDER|int %}
{% set target_chamber = params.CHAMBER|default("40")|int %}
{% set x_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float / 2 %}
{% set y_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float / 2 %}
# Homes the printer, sets absolute positioning, and updates the Stealthburner LEDs.
#STATUS_HOMING # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode
{% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}
G28 # Full home (XYZ)
{% else %}
G28 Z # Home only Z if X and Y have been homed
{% endif %}
G90 # Use absolute/relative coordinates
M400 # Wait for current moves to finish
CLEAR_PAUSE # Clear any existing pause state
# Uncomment for bed mesh (1 of 2)
BED_MESH_CLEAR # Clears old saved bed mesh (if any)
# Checks if the bed temp is higher than 90C - if so, then trigger a heat soak.
{% if params.BED|int > 90 %}
M117 Bed: {target_bed}C # Display bed temperature
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
M106 S255 # Turns on the PT-fan
# Uncomment if you have a Nevermore.
SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=1 # Turns on the Nevermore
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to the center of the bed
M190 S{target_bed} # Sets the target temp for the bed
M117 Heatsoak: {target_chamber}C # Display heatsoak info
TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR="temperature_sensor chamber" MINIMUM={target_chamber} # Waits for the chamber to reach the desired temp
# If the bed temp is not over 90c, then handle soak based on material
{% else %}
M117 Bed: {target_bed}C # Display bed temperature
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-leds to heating-mode
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to center of the bed
M190 S{target_bed} # Sets the target temp for the bed
# Material-based soak times with variant handling
{% set raw_material = params.MATERIAL|default("PLA")|string|upper %}
# Extract base material type by handling variants
{% set material = namespace(type="") %}
{% if "PLA" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "PLA" %}
{% elif "PETG" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "PETG" %}
{% elif "TPU" in raw_material or "TPE" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "TPU" %}
{% elif "PVA" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "PVA" %}
{% elif "HIPS" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "HIPS" %}
{% else %}
{% set material.type = raw_material %}
{% endif %}
# Define soak times
{% set soak_time = {
"PLA": 180000, # 3 minutes - Standard PLA soak time
"PETG": 240000, # 4 minutes - PETG needs slightly longer to stabilize
"TPU": 180000, # 3 minutes - TPU/TPE materials
"PVA": 180000, # 3 minutes - Support material, similar to PLA
"HIPS": 240000 # 4 minutes - When used as support/primary under 90C
}[material.type]|default(300000) %} # Default to 5 minutes if material not found
M117 Soak: {soak_time/60000|int}min ({raw_material}) # Display soak time and material
G4 P{soak_time} # Execute soak timer
{% endif %}
# # Comment out for Trident (Z_TILT_ADJUST)
# {% if 'z_tilt' in printer and not printer.z_tilt.applied %}
# #STATUS_LEVELING # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
# M117 Z-tilt adjust # Display Z-tilt adjustment
# Z_TILT_ADJUST # Levels the buildplate via z_tilt_adjust
# G28 Z # Homes Z again after z_tilt_adjust
# {% endif %}
# Uncomment for V2 (Quad gantry level AKA QGL)
#{% if printer.quad_gantry_level.applied == False %}
# #STATUS_LEVELING # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
# M117 QGL # Display QGL status
# QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL # Levels the gantry
# #STATUS_HOMING # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode
# G28 Z # Homes Z again after QGL
#{% endif %}
# Heating the nozzle to 150C. This helps with getting a correct Z-home
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
M117 Hotend: 150C # Display hotend temperature
M109 S150 # Heats the nozzle to 150C
#STATUS_CLEANING # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
CLEAN_NOZZLE EXTRUDER={target_extruder} # Clean nozzle before printing
SMART_PARK # Parks the toolhead neat the beginning of the print
# Uncomment for bed mesh (2 of 2)
#STATUS_MESHING # Sets SB-LEDs to bed mesh-mode
M117 Bed mesh # Display bed mesh status
M400 # Wait for current moves to finish
SMART_PARK # KAMP smart park
# Heats up the nozzle to target via data from the slicer
M117 Hotend: {target_extruder}C # Display target hotend temperature
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
M107 # Turns off part cooling fan
M109 S{target_extruder} # Heats the nozzle to printing temp
# Gets ready to print by doing a purge line and updating the SB-LEDs
M117 The purge... # Display purge status
#STATUS_CLEANING # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
LINE_PURGE # KAMP line purge
M117 Printer goes brrr # Display print starting
#STATUS_PRINTING # Sets SB-LEDs to printing-mode
Without a Chamber thermistor (15 min soak)
# A better start_print macro
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
# This part fetches data from your slicer, such as bed temp, extruder temp, and the size of your printer.
{% set target_bed = params.BED|int %}
{% set target_extruder = params.EXTRUDER|int %}
{% set x_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.x|float / 2 %}
{% set y_wait = printer.toolhead.axis_maximum.y|float / 2 %}
# Homes the printer, sets absolute positioning, and updates the Stealthburner LEDs.
#STATUS_HOMING # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode
{% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}
G28 # Full home (XYZ)
{% else %}
G28 Z # Home only Z if X and Y have been homed
{% endif %}
G90 # Use absolute/relative coordinates
M400 # Wait for current moves to finish
CLEAR_PAUSE # Clear any existing pause state
# Uncomment for bed mesh (1 of 2)
BED_MESH_CLEAR # Clears old saved bed mesh (if any)
# Checks if the bed temp is higher than 90C - if so, then trigger a fixed 15-minute heatsoak
{% if params.BED|int > 90 %}
M117 Bed: {target_bed}C # Display bed temperature
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
M106 S255 # Turns on the PT-fan at full speed for high temp
# Uncomment if you have a Nevermore.
#SET_PIN PIN=nevermore VALUE=1 # Turns on the Nevermore
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to the center of the bed
M190 S{target_bed} # Sets the target temp for the bed
M117 High Temp Heatsoak: 15min # Display heatsoak info
G4 P900000 # Wait 15 minutes for heatsoak
# If the bed temp is not over 90c, then handle soak based on material
{% else %}
M117 Bed: {target_bed}C # Display bed temperature
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-leds to heating-mode
M106 S150 # Turns on the PT-fan at lower speed for low temp
G1 X{x_wait} Y{y_wait} Z15 F9000 # Go to center of the bed
M190 S{target_bed} # Sets the target temp for the bed
# Material-based soak times with variant handling
{% set raw_material = params.MATERIAL|default("PLA")|string|upper %}
# Extract base material type by handling variants
{% set material = namespace(type="") %}
{% if "PLA" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "PLA" %}
{% elif "PETG" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "PETG" %}
{% elif "TPU" in raw_material or "TPE" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "TPU" %}
{% elif "PVA" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "PVA" %}
{% elif "HIPS" in raw_material %}
{% set material.type = "HIPS" %}
{% else %}
{% set material.type = raw_material %}
{% endif %}
# Define soak times
{% set soak_time = {
"PLA": 180000, # 3 minutes - Standard PLA soak time
"PETG": 240000, # 4 minutes - PETG needs slightly longer to stabilize
"TPU": 180000, # 3 minutes - TPU/TPE materials
"PVA": 180000, # 3 minutes - Support material, similar to PLA
"HIPS": 240000 # 4 minutes - When used as support/primary under 90C
}[material.type]|default(300000) %} # Default to 5 minutes if material not found
M117 Soak: {soak_time/60000|int}min ({raw_material}) # Display soak time and material
G4 P{soak_time} # Execute soak timer
{% endif %}
# Comment out for Trident (Z_TILT_ADJUST)
#{% if 'z_tilt' in printer and not printer.z_tilt.applied %}
# STATUS_LEVELING # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
# M117 Z-tilt adjust # Display Z-tilt adjustment
# Z_TILT_ADJUST # Levels the buildplate via z_tilt_adjust
# G28 Z # Homes Z again after z_tilt_adjust
#{% endif %}
# Comment out for V2 (Quad gantry level AKA QGL)
#{% if printer.quad_gantry_level.applied == False %}
# STATUS_LEVELING # Sets SB-LEDs to leveling-mode
# M117 QGL # Display QGL status
# QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL # Levels the gantry
# STATUS_HOMING # Sets SB-LEDs to homing-mode
# G28 Z # Homes Z again after QGL
#{% endif %}
# Heating the nozzle to 150C. This helps with getting a correct Z-home
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
M117 Hotend: 150C # Display hotend temperature
M109 S150 # Heats the nozzle to 150C
#STATUS_CLEANING # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
CLEAN_NOZZLE EXTRUDER={target_extruder} # Clean nozzle before printing
SMART_PARK # Parks the toolhead near the beginning of the print
# Uncomment for bed mesh (2 of 2)
#STATUS_MESHING # Sets SB-LEDs to bed mesh-mode
M117 Bed mesh # Display bed mesh status
M400 # Wait for current moves to finish
SMART_PARK # KAMP smart park
# Heats up the nozzle to target via data from the slicer
M117 Hotend: {target_extruder}C # Display target hotend temperature
#STATUS_HEATING # Sets SB-LEDs to heating-mode
M107 # Turns off part cooling fan
M109 S{target_extruder} # Heats the nozzle to printing temp
# Gets ready to print by doing a purge line and updating the SB-LEDs
M117 Printer goes brrr # Display print starting
#STATUS_CLEANING # Sets SB-LEDs to cleaning-mode
LINE_PURGE # KAMP line purge
#STATUS_PRINTING # Sets SB-LEDs to printing-mode
01-11-2025: Initial creation 02-01-2025: WTFBBQAUCE I forgot to put all of the changes down. It's been a lot of formatting, additions, ect.
Hungry for more macromania? Make sure to check out these awesome links.
- A Better End Print Macro
- More replacement SV08 Macros
- Mjonuschat optimized bed leveling macros for
- Ellis Useful Macros
- Voron Klipper Macros
- Klipper Shake&Tune plugin
A big thank you to the Voron Communuity for helping make this macro.
If you have feedback please open an issue on github.