Yunnan university
- Yunnan University, Chenggong Campus, Chenggong District, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
Reimplmentation of Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets with PyTorch 1.8
[ICML 2022] "DisPFL: Towards Communication-Efficient Personalized Federated learning via Decentralized Sparse Training"
Code for ECAI'23 paper "FedPerturb: Covert Poisoning Attack on Federated Learning via Partial Perturbation"
CVPR and NeurIPS poster examples and templates. May we have in-person poster session soon!
My resume in LaTeX (template suited for new graduates; 应届生简历模板)
Image Pixelization with Differential Privacy
Comprehensive and timely academic information on federated learning (papers, frameworks, datasets, tutorials, workshops)
Implementation for the paper (CVPR Oral): High Frequency Component Helps Explain the Generalization of Convolutional Neural Networks
38 traditional FL (tFL) or personalized FL (pFL) algorithms, 3 scenarios, and 24 datasets. www.pfllib.com/
Code to accompany the paper "Deep Learning with Gaussian Differential Privacy"
Everything you want about DP-Based Federated Learning, including Papers and Code. (Mechanism: Laplace or Gaussian, Dataset: femnist, shakespeare, mnist, cifar-10 and fashion-mnist. )
Book_4_《矩阵力量》 | 鸢尾花书:从加减乘除到机器学习;上架!
Book_3_《数学要素》 | 鸢尾花书:从加减乘除到机器学习;上架;欢迎继续纠错,纠错多的同学还会有赠书!
Source code for the paper "Federated Learning with Spiking Neural Networks".
Repository for the master thesis titled "Local Unsupervised Learning of Multimodal Event-Based Data with Spiking Neural Networks", by Julian Lopez Gordillo (MSc in Artificial Intelligence, 2019-2021).
This is a 3-layer SNN for MNIST
Show, Attend, and Tell | a PyTorch Tutorial to Image Captioning
Taking the image description task on the MS-COCO data set as an example, the template code of Image_to_Text is shown.
CNN-Encoder and RNN-Decoder (Bahdanau Attention) for image caption or image to text on MS-COCO dataset. 图片描述
NeuroMorphic Predictive Model with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) using Pytorch
A simple from scratch implementation of a Spiking-Neural-Network with STDP in Python which is beeing trained on MNIST.
What about coding a Spiking Neural Network using an automatic differentiation framework? In SNNs, there is a time axis and the neural network sees data throughout time, and activation functions are…
import a subset or a full Wikidata dump into a CouchDB database
A set of Python scripts for preprocessing the Wikidata JSON dump and running simple queries in an efficient manner.
Knowledge graph of covid19, using wikidata and neo4j