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Play-Json extensions


Add this to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "ai.x" %% "play-json-extensions" % "0.42.0"

latest versions

Play-json Scala group id latest version
2.8.x 2.12, 2.13 ai.x 0.42.0
2.7.x 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 ai.x 0.40.2
2.5.x 2.11 ai.x 0.9.0
2.4.x 2.11 org.cvogt 0.6.1
2.3.x 2.11 org.cvogt 0.2

all versions and scaladoc

0.40 - latest

0.9 - 0.30

0.1 - 0.8

De-/Serialize case classes of arbitrary size (23+ fields allowed)

    case class Foo(

    val foo = Foo(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)

Create explicit formatter

    implicit lazy val jsonFormat = Jsonx.formatCaseClass[Foo]

    // if your case class uses Option make sure you import
    // one of the below implicit Option Reads to avoid
    // "could not find implicit value for parameter helper:"

    // note: formatCaseClass catches IllegalArgumentException and turns them into JsError enclosing the stack trace as the message
    // this allows using require(...) in class constructors and still get JsErrors out of serialization

Then use ordinary play-json

    val json = Json.toJson( foo )
    assert(foo ==[Foo])

deserialization uses default values

    case class Bar(s: String, i: Int = 6)
    implicit lazy val format = Jsonx.formatCaseClassUseDefaults[Bar]
    assert(Bar("asd",6) == Json.parse("""{"s":"asd"}""").validate[Bar].get)

De-/Serialize tuples

    val json = Json.parse("""[1,1.0,"Test"]""")
    val res = Json.fromJson[(Int,Double,String)](json)
    assert(JsSuccess((1,1.0,"Test")) === res)

De-/Serialize single value classes

    case class Foo(i: Int)
    val json = Json.parse("1")
    val res = Json.fromJson[Foo](json)
    assert(JsSuccess(Foo(1)) === res)

Option for play-json 2.4

implicit Option Reads

    import // play 2.4 suggested behavior
    // or
    import // play 2.3 behavior

automatic option validation: validateAuto

    val json = (Json.parse("""{}""") \ "s")
    json.validateAuto[Option[String]] == JsResult(None) // works as expected correctly

    // play-json built-ins
    json.validate[Option[String]] // JsError: "'s' is undefined on object: {}"
    json.validateOpt[String] == JsResult(None) // manual alternative (provided here, built-into play-json >= 2.4.2)

automatic formatting of sealed traits, delegating to formatters of the subclasses

formatSealed uses orElse of subclass Reads in random order, careful in case of ambiguities of field-class correspondances

    sealed trait SomeAdt
    case object A extends SomeAdt
    final case class X(i: Int, s: String) extends SomeAdt
    object X{
      implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[X] = Jsonx.formatCaseClass[X]
    object SomeAdt{
      import  // required for formatSingleton
      import    // required if trait has object children
      implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[SomeAdt] = Jsonx.formatSealed[SomeAdt]

    Json.parse("""A""").as[SomeAdt] == A
    Json.parse("""{"i": 5, "s":"foo", "type": "X"}""").as[SomeAdt] == X(5,"foo")

formatSealedWithFallback[A,B <: A] is like formatSealed but provides a fallback for unknown cases.

It makes sure the class B is tried last, which allows it to be permissive enough for a fallback.

This allows graceful schema evolution without breaking old readers. Example:

    sealed trait SomeAdt
    final case class X(i: Int, s: String) extends SomeAdt
    final case class Unknown(json: JsValue) extends SomeAdt
    object SomeAdt{
      implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[SomeAdt] = {
        implicit lazy val XFormat: Format[X] = Jsonx.formatCaseClass[X]
        implicit lazy val UnknownFormat: Format[Unknown] = Jsonx.formatInline[Unknown]

    Json.parse("""{"i": 5, "s":"foo", "type": "X"}""").as[SomeAdt] == X(5,"foo")
    val unknownJson = Json.parse("""{"x":"y"}""")[Unknown] == Unknown(unknownJson)

formatSealedWithFallback[A,B <: A] is like formatSealed but provides a fallback for unknown cases.

It makes sure the class B is tried last, which allows it to be permissive enough for a fallback.

This allows graceful schema evolution without breaking old readers. Example:

    sealed trait SomeAdt
    final case class X(i: Int, s: String) extends SomeAdt
    final case class Unknown(json: JsValue) extends SomeAdt
    object SomeAdt{
      implicit lazy val jsonFormat: Format[SomeAdt] = {
        implicit lazy val XFormat: Format[X] = Jsonx.formatCaseClass[X]
        implicit lazy val UnknownFormat: Format[Unknown] = Jsonx.formatInline[Unknown]

    Json.parse("""{"i": 5, "s":"foo", "type": "X"}""").as[SomeAdt] == X(5,"foo")
    val unknownJson = Json.parse("""{"x":"y"}""")[Unknown] == Unknown(unknownJson)

experimental features (will change)

Serialization nirvana - formatAuto FULLY automatic de-serializer (note: needs more optimized internal implementation)

    sealed trait SomeAdt
    case object A extends SomeAdt
    final case class X(i: Int, s: String) extends SomeAdt
    object Baz
    case class Bar(a: Int, b:Float, foo: Baz.type, o: Option[Int])
    case class Foo(_1:Bar,_11:SomeAdt, _2:String,_3:Int,_4:Int,_5:Int,_21:Int,_22:Int,_23:Int,_24:Int,_25:Int,_31:Int,_32:Int,_33:Int,_34:Int,_35:Int,_41:Int,_42:Int,_43:Int,_44:Int,_45:Int,_51:Int,_52:Int,_53:Int,_54:Int,_55:Int)
    val foo = Foo(Bar(5,1.0f, Baz, Some(4): Option[Int]),A,"sdf",3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)
    val foo2 = Foo(Bar(5,1.0f, Baz, None: Option[Int]),X(5,"x"),"sdf",3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)
    val fmt2: Format[Foo] = Jsonx.formatAuto[Foo] // not implicit to avoid infinite recursion

      implicit lazy val fmt3: Format[Foo] = fmt2    
      val json = Json.toJson( foo )
      assert(foo ===[Foo])
      val json2 = Json.toJson( foo2 )
      assert(foo2 ===[Foo])


+22 field case class formatter and more for play-json







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  • Shell 0.1%