Kai Chronicles is a game player for Lone Wolf game books. Only books 1 - 16 are playable. The game player can run as a website.
This is a fork from the original "Kai Chronicles" as tonib stopped development in November 2021.
This repository does not contain game books data. Data must be downloaded from the Project Aon web site. REMEMBER that game books data is under the Project Aon license, so:
- You cannot put this application on a public web server (only on your local machine, for your own use). The only place where this game can be published is on the Project Aon web site
- You cannot redistribute the game books data in any way
Download dependencies
npm install
Download the Project Aon game data:
npm run downloaddata
This will require Node.js (any recent version) and the git client on your path.
npm run serve
Open your browser on http://localhost:3000.
Game rules for each book are located at www/data. "mechanics-X" are the game rules for the book X. "objects.xml" are the game objects
There is (unfished) documentation for rules, object formats and save game file format.
The game rules implementation are at src/ts/controller/mechanics and www/controller/mechanics.
If you add "?debug=true" to the game URL, some debug tools will appear. You also can use the browser Developer Tools to prepare the Action Chart to test individual sections. For example, in the console you can execute things like:
You can run ESLint with this command:
npm run lint
A "guide" to develop new books can be found at doc/README-developing.md
Tests are run with Selenium Web Driver and Jest. Currently tests will run only with Chrome, and Selenium will need a "browser driver". See https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/en/webdriver/driver_requirements for installation instructions. Tests are located at src/ts/tests. Be sure Typescript for node.js is compiled before running tests:
npm run test
npm run dist
This will create a dist folder ready to be published on a web server.
GPLv3 (see LICENSE file). This application uses the following third-party code / resources:
- The HTML rendering, books XML processing and Project Aon license HTML contains code taken from Lone Wolf Adventures, by Liquid State Limited
- The Lone Wolf logo and splashes are taken directly, or adapted, from the Spanish Project Aon
- Button icons are create by Delapouite, Lorc and Willdabeast, and distributed from http://game-icons.net/ (CC License)
- Bootstrap (MIT)
- Toastr (MIT)
- FileSaver.js (MIT)
- jQuery (jQuery license)
- xml.js, code taken from http://syssgx.github.io/xml.js/ (CC License)