I am ssuish (suishi), a software developer, illustrator and technical artist. I love to express my artistic vision and design thinking to develop next-gen games and software applications! ๐ป๐๏ธ
I have a huge interest in working on the fields of Game Development, Cloud Gaming and Interactive Computing.
Currently self-studying fundamentals of 3D Animation, and Webflow for my portfolio website โ๏ธ
You can see my showcases here in my portfolio and checkout my resume.
Willing to do collaboration or work with me? You can contact me using this email.
- Status: Ongoing Capstone Project | Itch.io: Pending approval from university | Github: TBA
- Programmed a Quest System using Pub/Sub Singleton pattern that manages states of 12 quest events that subscribes to numerous game events from the 6 different game systems improving its modularity.
- Streamlines the source code and assets management using Unity DevOps for version control, and OneDrive as a backup cloud storage service to effectively collaborate our cross-functional team.
- Designed and developed more than 20 2D game art assets including illustrations, tilemaps, entities, animation frames, and UI assets as a sole technical game artist in the team.
- Status: Refactoring | Itch.io: TBA | Github: TBA
- Developed a game design document that won 1st Place in Environmental Game Design Competition.
- Developed a client-server system architecture integrating GameMaker Studio, PHP Leaderboards website, and MySQL database server.
- Programmed a SQL connector program using HTTP protocol that will allow GameMaker Studio connect to MySQL which was previously unsupported.
Note: Top Level Languages are a metrics of which languages I have the most code in my repositories, it doesn't indicate level of proficiency.