Various C64 Rust utilities that I coded while learning Rust.
Some obvious REU operations wrapped into Rust functions:
let reu = ram_expansion_unit::reu();
reu.set_range(1024, 0x050000, 1000); // prepare REU working range
reu.pull(); // get data from REU into RAM
reu.push(); // put data from RAM to REU
reu.swap(); // swap RAM and REU
reu.fill(1024, 1000, 32); // clear screen using REU DMA
reu.fill_reu(0x030000, 10000, 0); // fill some REU address with 0s
A simple memory allocator returning 24-bit pointer that knows its block size, for cleaner syntax. Allocated chunks get properly dropped. Minimum allocation size = 256 bytes.
let reu = ram_expansion_unit::reu();
reu.init_allocator(); // prepare BAM in REU
let screen_memory = reu.alloc(1000); // alloc 1000 bytes somewhere in REU
screen_memory.push(1024); // push RAM starting at 1024 into REU chunk
screen_memory.pull(1024); // restore REU chunk into RAM starting at 1024
// screen_memory will be deallocated properly
indexable array that is kept in REU, with all Rust goodies. The size of the array is limited only by REU size.
struct GameUnit {
number: u8,
speed: u8,
health: u8,
x: u16,
y: u16,
pub fn test_reu_array() {
// Allocate 100,000 GameUnit elements 10 elements will be cached in RAM
let mut array = REUArray::<GameUnit>::with_capacity(100_000, 10);
for i in 0..100 {
array.push(GameUnit {
number: i as u8,
speed: 1,
health: 2,
x: 3,
y: 4,
array[50].speed = 0xa;
array[50].health = 0xb;
array[50].x = 69;
array[50].y = 11;
let sixty_nine = array.iter_mut().filter(|unit| unit.x == 69);
for u in sixty_nine {
println!("{} Unit at x=69: ({},{})", u.number, u.x, u.y);
Set clock speed of Ultimate 64:
pub fn test_hires() {
const HIRES: *const C64HiresScreen = 0x2000 as _;
const COLORS: *const C64TextScreen = 1024 as _;
let vic = c64::vic2();
unsafe {
plotek::show(cia2::VicBankSelect::VIC_0000, ScreenBank::AT_0400);
for i in 0..40 {
(*HIRES).line((0, 0), (i * 8, 199));