音频转码使用EasyAACEncoder 此是EasyDarwin开源流媒体服务团队整理、开发的一款音频转码到AAC的工具库编译的转码库。 具体库怎么编译请看我的另一篇文章:Android G711(PCMA/PCMU)、G726、PCM音频转码到AAC 具体Android怎么使用该库方法
* g711a转码为aac
* @param cachePath 文件路径
* @param inFilename 输入音频文件名
* @param outAacname 输出音频文件名
public void g711toAAC(final String cachePath, final String inFilename, final String outAacname) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
File audiofile = new File(cachePath, inFilename);
File audiofile2 = new File(cachePath, outAacname);
int encode = JNIAACEncode.encode(audiofile.getAbsolutePath(), audiofile2.getAbsolutePath());
if (encode == 0) {
注意此处需要编译的so库文件,具体文件可以自行编译或者请查看我上面的文章里下载编译好的库。 然后新建个Java类例如:
public class JNIAACEncode {
public static final int Law_ULaw = 0;/**< U law */
public static final int Law_ALaw = 1;/**< A law */
public static final int Law_PCM16 = 2;/**< 16 bit uniform PCM values. 原始 pcm 数据 */
public static final int Law_G726 = 3;/**< G726 */
public static native void init(int audioCodec);
public static native int encode(String infilename, String outAacname);
static {
但是java有工具进行转码,那就是isoparser,该为jar文件直接放到lib里即可使用,简直方便的不要不要,而且很小!比那编译的库小很多的!使用也很简单哈。 至于isoparser可以自行下载,不想动手的可以点我下载isoparser-1.1.21.jar
* h264视频进行转码为MP4
* <p/>
* Creates a new Track object from a raw H264 source (DataSource fc). Whenever the timescale and frametick are set to negative value (e.g. -1) the H264TrackImpl tries to detect the frame rate. Typically values for timescale and frametick are:
* 23.976 FPS: timescale = 24000; frametick = 1001
* 25 FPS: timescale = 25; frametick = 1
* 29.97 FPS: timescale = 30000; frametick = 1001
* 30 FPS: timescale = 30; frametick = 1
* Parameters:
* fc - the source file of the H264 samples
* lang - language of the movie (in doubt: use "eng")
* timescale - number of time units (ticks) in one second
* frametick - number of time units (ticks) that pass while showing exactly one frame
* @param path h264文件路径
* @param audioPath aac声音文件路径
* @param videoPath 保存视频文件路径
* @param fileName 保存视频文件名
public void saveVideo(final String path, final String audioPath, final String videoPath, final String fileName) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
DataSource video_file = new FileDataSourceImpl(path);
H264TrackImpl h264Track = new H264TrackImpl(video_file, "eng", fps, 1);
Movie movie = new Movie();
File audiofile = new File(audioPath);
if (audiofile.exists()) {
AACTrackImpl aacTrack = null;
try {
DataSource audio_file = new FileDataSourceImpl(audioPath);
aacTrack = new AACTrackImpl(audio_file);
} catch (IOException e) {
File myCaptureFile = new File(videoPath);
if (!myCaptureFile.exists() ) {
Container out = new DefaultMp4Builder().build(movie);
final File file = new File(myCaptureFile, fileName);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
//LogMsg.i(TAG, "视频转码完成");
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// 最后通知图库更新
sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));
} catch (Exception e) {
上面方法的fps要根据你合成的视频具体来设置。 可以参考一下: 23.976 FPS: timescale = 24000; frametick = 1001 25 FPS: timescale = 25; frametick = 1 29.97 FPS: timescale = 30000; frametick = 1001 30 FPS: timescale = 30; frametick = 1
这样就可以完成视频的合成啦,当然别忘了加上需要的权限比如读写权限。 是不是很方便啦啦,还有就是如果视频合成后播放如果没有到播放进度最后就播放完了,那是给关键帧有关系,如果你的视频最后没有关键帧话可能导致后面一段不能播放。