The CPN gem implements a subset of coloured petri nets in Ruby. This README describes how to create hierarchical, timed CPNs using the gem.
CPNs consist of tokens, arcs, states and transitions. States and transitions have names.
A token is simply a Ruby Object. In timed nets, each token has a ready time, which is the time at which it’s ready to participate in a transition firing. To set a ready time on a token, only instances of Hash and Array are supported as tokens. Other classes can be used as timed tokens by importing a module defining the .ready_at and .ready_at= methods.
An arc is a connection between a state and a transition. It either starts at the state and ends at the transition, or vice-versa (it is directed). It has a Ruby expression on it, the interpretation of which depends on wether it ends at a state or at a transition, so let’s discuss the arc expression below.
The visual representation of an arc is an arrow with a label at its middle with the arc expression on it, like so: —[a,b]—>
A state can hold a number of tokens, so it’s pretty much just a fancy Array, unlike traditional CPNs which use Multisets.
A state also defines an initial marking, which is the array of tokens that should be present on it when an execution/simulation starts. Kind of like a constructor method.
Example initial markings: [ 1, 2, 3 ] or [ { :id => 1, :name => “x” } ]
The visual representation of a state is a circle. Imagine it’s a bucket that holds all the tokens. Currently, the tokens are shown to the right of the circle, in a list with one token per line.
A transition is like a method. It is invoked, or “fired”, when certain requirements are met. It has a guard expression, which is a Ruby expression that must evaluate to true or false.
The transition has a number of incoming or outgoing arcs. The incoming arcs are the ones coming from states and pointing to the transition, and the outgoing arcs are those starting at the transition, and pointing to some states. When we say “incoming states” we mean the states connected by an incoming arc, and with “outgoing states” we mean states connected by an outgoing arc.
Now, for a transition to be able to fire, a number of things must be the case. (A binding is mapping from a number of local variables to their values)
There must be at least one token on each of the incoming states. For timed nets, the ready time of the token must be equal to or greater than the simulation time.
It should be possible to construct a binding by, for each incoming arc, assigning the arc expression to one of the tokens on its associated state. There should be no conflicts between arc expressions that define the same variables, so for example if two arcs define ‘n’, then there must be two tokens with the same value on each of those arcs’ incoming states, or the binding is invalid.
The guard expression must evaluate to true, given this binding.
If all these conditions are met, we are left with a list of valid bindings. If there is at least one, the transition is enabled and may be fired.
When a transition (or more accurately, a specific binding) is fired, each of the tokens associated with the binding (on incoming states) are removed, and the expressions on the outgoing arcs are used to produce a token on each outgoing state.
Consequently, incoming arc expressions must be Ruby lvalues, i.e. expressions that may appear on the left side of an assignment statement, when a token from the incoming state is placed on the right side. Examples of lvalues:
i (assigns i to the token) a, b (if the token is an array of two values) (a, b) (same as above) first, *rest (if the token is an array) a, (b, c), d (assign to a nested array like [1, [2, 3], 4])
Outgoing arc expressions are used differently - to produce a token given a binding. For example, given the following binding:
i => 1 status => :error a => [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ] h => { :id => 11, :msg => "start" }
All of the following are legal outgoing arc expressions:
i status 1 :error { :index => i, :status => status } a[1..2] [ h[:id], h[:msg] ]
Note: be careful if placing the same object on multiple outgoing states - nothing is duplicated, so later modifications of that object may affect the state of the network in unexpected ways.
The visual representation of a transition is a rectangle that lights up in a flash when it fires. Imagine tokens moving through the rectangle when it fires, from its inputs to its outputs.
Copyright 2012 AmanziTel AB
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