Tutorial code with FEniCS-hIPPYlib framework for adjoint inversions
Linear multi time-window earthquake slip inversion with k^-2 smoothing
A code for fault rupture (defmod) and wave propagation (swpc).
flang-compiler / f18-llvm-project
Forked from llvm/llvm-projectFork of llvm/llvm-project for f18. In sync with f18-mlir and f18.
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.
AWS ParallelCluster is an AWS supported Open Source cluster management tool to deploy and manage HPC clusters in the AWS cloud.
Finite difference code for dynamic modelling of earthquake source.
A global homogenised database of active faults maintained by the GEM Foundation
mercurial to git bridge, pushed to directly from the hg-git plugin in Hg
This is a fortran ide for vim. It is intended to make the coding with fortran easier and faster in vim.
F18 is a front-end for Fortran intended to replace the existing front-end in the Flang compiler
SFINCS: the Stellarator Fokker-Planck Iterative Neoclassical Conservative Solver
An analytical-numerical hybrid code for interactive Eshelby's inclusion problems in whole, half and finite spaces
AnuGA for the simulation of the shallow water equation
Analysis of plate boundary deformation using geodetic data
Scripts to facilitate parallel InSAR processing and analysis of Sentinel-1 time series on HPC clusters based on GMTSAR and Slurm.
Use GoogleMaps and StreetView to play a route ("Virtual Street View").
Wphase is an extensive source-inversion tool for rapid characterization of earthquakes
LaTeX Code for Documentation of the Hazard Modeller's Toolkit hmtk
Parallel xcorr programs for multi-core CPUs and GPUs for GMTSAR.
ForTrilinos provides portable object-oriented Fortran interfaces to Trilinos C++ packages.
A parallel shallow water equations solver