HTTP mocking for Rust!
Get it on
Documentation is available at
Before upgrading, make sure to check out the changelog.
- Check the existing issues and pull requests.
- One commit is one feature - consider squashing.
- Format code with
cargo fmt
Run tests:
cargo test
...or run tests using a different toolchain:
rustup run --install 1.42.0 cargo test
...or run tests while disabling the default features (e.g. the colors):
cargo test --no-default-features
Mockito uses rustfmt as a general code style.
Install rustfmt
rustup component add rustfmt
Format code:
cargo fmt
Some editors might provide a plugin to format your Rust code automatically.
Mockito uses clippy and it should be run always on the minimum supported Rust version, in order to ensure backwards compatibility.
Install clippy
rustup component add clippy-preview
Run the linter on the minimum supported Rust version:
rustup run --install 1.42.0 cargo clippy --lib --tests --all-features -- -D clippy::complexity
cargo publish
Install rust nightly
rustup install nightly
Run benchmarks:
rustup run nightly cargo bench
Logo courtesy to 👌