This is a professional portfolio project that showcases my skills in creating visually stunning websites using modern web development technologies. The project is built using React, Framer Motion, SCSS, Tailwind, and Three.js.
It features an array of animations and 3D models that will captivate and engage visitors to the site.
The following technologies were used in creating this project:
- Three.js - A powerful 3D graphics library for rendering and animating 3D models.
- React Three Fiber - A popular library for creating 3D graphics with Three.js in React.
- TailwindCSS - A popular utility-first CSS styling framework that allows for efficient and consistent styling.
- Framer Motion - A highly popular library used to bring React websites to life with animations.
- Load, create and customize stunning 3D models and geometries with various lights.
- Gain an understanding of the 3D world with a camera and positioning of an object in space, all made possible by utilizing the Three.js and React Three Fiber libraries.
- Make my code reusable and scalable using Higher Order Components (HOCs) and other industry-standard best practices.
- Implement sending emails through a form on the website using React components and state management.
- Ensure responsiveness across all devices and improved site performance using Suspense and Preload features. This ensured fast load times and a smooth user experience.
To get started with this project:
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Install the dependencies using npm install.
- Run the development server using npm start.
- The project will now be running on localhost:3000.