ovac / ng2-dragula
Forked from valor-software/ng2-dragulaSimple drag and drop with dragula
ovac / node-js-sample
Forked from heroku/node-js-sampleA barebones Node.js app using the Express framework.
Generate source tarball of Chromium automatically
ovac / clear-architecture
Forked from jkphl/clear-architecturePragmatic & opinionated implementation of the Clean Architecture with a fixed base layout and simple-to-follow rules and conventions
ovac / awesome-php
Forked from ziadoz/awesome-phpA curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
ovac / generator-clearphp
Forked from jkphl/generator-clearphpYeoman generator for scaffolding Composer based PHP projects, featuring a lot of integrations and advocating the use of The Clear Architecture
Easily integrate hubtel payments into your android app and start accepting payments from within your android app.
A base starter for creating a composer package.
This my the theme I use across all my documentation to generate a static html site from my Markdown documentation.
A template for couscous generated webpages from markdown documentation.
📕 A minimal Markdown editor desktop app
ovac / meetup
Forked from ngcolombia/medellin⭐️ Repositorio oficial de la comunidad Angular Medellín ⭐️
ovac / laravel
Forked from laravel/laravelA PHP Framework For Web Artisans
ovac / Bootpack
Forked from ConsoleTVs/BootpackLaravel 5 package bootstraper.
Implementation of Job recruitment system with Aptitude test, Online video and chat interview.
ovac / made-in-ghana
Forked from devcongress/made-in-ghanaWith a lot of inspiration from @acekyd's repo about projects from Nigeria. These are open-source projects from Ghana.
A package that makes it easy to send SMS using Hubtel in a Laravel 5.3+ application