- Install Python >= 2.7
- In the project root directory, run
python validate_solutions.py
, you should see something like this:
--- Validating Run Length Encoding...
test_no_symbols (validation.run_length_encoding.encoding.TestEncoding) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_one_symbol (validation.run_length_encoding.encoding.TestEncoding) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_multiple_runs_per_symbol (validation.run_length_encoding.encoding.TestEncoding) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
Ran 3 tests in 0.001s
OK (skipped=3)
--- Validating Run Length Encoding Serialization...
test_no_symbols (validation.run_length_encoding.serialization.TestSerialization) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_bad_symbol (validation.run_length_encoding.serialization.TestSerialization) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_one_symbol (validation.run_length_encoding.serialization.TestSerialization) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_multiple_runs_per_symbol (validation.run_length_encoding.serialization.TestSerialization) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
Ran 4 tests in 0.001s
OK (skipped=4)
--- Validating Inner Equality Sort Merge Join...
test_empty (validation.sort_merge_join.inner_equality.TestInnerEquality) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_no_equality (validation.sort_merge_join.inner_equality.TestInnerEquality) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_unsorted_input (validation.sort_merge_join.inner_equality.TestInnerEquality) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
test_cartesian_output (validation.sort_merge_join.inner_equality.TestInnerEquality) ... skipped 'Not implemented yet'
Ran 4 tests in 0.001s
OK (skipped=4)
- Complete the solutions to the problems below and rerun this script, if your solutions are correct the tests will run and pass.
Under run_length_encoding
there is a partially implemented run length encoding algorithm. Complete the encoder so that it returns a list of 2-tuples containing run length and symbol. For example:
encode("AAAABBAAAA") returns [(4, "A"), (2, "B"), (4, "A")]
You can validate your solution by running python validate_solutions.py
Complete the serializer so that it takes a list of 2-tuples containing run length and symbol and returns a valid string or raises an error. For example:
serialize([(4, "A"), (2, "B"), (4, "A")]) returns "4A2B4A"
serialize([(5, "5")]) raises SerializationError
You can validate your solution by running python validate_solutions.py
Under sort_merge_join
there is a partially implemented sort merge join algorithm, complete the solution so that it is able to perform an inner join on an equality condition. For a description of the algorithm and pseudo code see Wikipedia.
You can validate your solution by running python validate_solutions.py