This project aims to make it super easy for Starlink users to discover how their Starlink installation is performing. It is intended for Starlink customers that would like to customize their own dashboard. You will need to be comfortable with prometheus metrics and grafana in order to customize the dashboard.
- Hourly speed tests using
- Easily customizable with Grafana
- Prometheus available for ad-hoc queries
- Highest latency remote servers from the wifi router
- Service wide aggregation of latency
- Failsafes for networks with more than WAN
- Minimal polling of your Starlink infrastructure
- Written in golang, so very portable across Windows, Mac, and Linux
- Utilizes Starlink native GRPC APIs
If you would prefer to just have a dashboard, without all the customization features, the official dashboard can be found in the Starlink App or on the dish itself at
The following will bring up the starlink-exporter agent, prometheus, and grafana with a default dashboard.
$ docker-compose -f configs/docker-compose/compose.yml up -d
The default grafana username and password is admin
. The dashboard will be available at http://localhost:3000/d/dishy/dishy
Prometheus is available on localhost:9090
By default, the quickstart setup will share anonymized metrics back to the project. The goal is to be able to provide a global view of how Starlink is performing, and allow end users to see how thier setup compares to the global deployment. This can be disabled by using the development instructions.
Pull the new image and restart the containers.
$ docker-compose -f configs/docker-compose/compose.yml pull
$ docker-compose -f configs/docker-compose/compose.yml restart
If you would like build and test the agent, you can run:
$ docker-compose -f configs/docker-compose/dev.yml up
This will run a docker build before setting up the environment.
You can compile and run the agent itself with standard go tools:
$ git clone
$ cd dishyworld
$ go run cmd/starlink-exporter/main.go
If you would like to monitor with your own prometheus instance, you can run just the exporter by following the development instructions, then running the agent:
$ go build -o starlink-exporter cmd/starlink-exporter/main.go
$ ./starlink-exporter -h
Usage of ./starlink-exporter:
-dish_addr string
Dishy's address (default "")
-history_duration duration
Polls history this often, then replays it. This means the current metrics from history will be delayed by this amount because of the history replay, but allows us to poll less frequently. Dishy DVR! (default 2m0s)
-metrics_addr string
/metrics address (default "")
-ping_interval duration
Ping metrics polling interval. (default 1m0s)
-status_interval duration
Status metrics polling interval. (default 4m0s)
-wifi_addr string
Wifi address (default "")
By default http://localhost:2112/metrics
will be available for your promethues to poll.
Currently we do not have pre-packaged binaries, but it is very easy to compile to run on Raspberry Pi.
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -o starlink-exporter cmd/starlink-exporter/main.go
The binary is now available at ./starlink-exporter
to be copied to your pi.
Raspberry Pi and many other systems commonly use systemd, so here is an example if you are using your own compiled binaries.
$ cat /etc/systemd/system/starlink-exporter.service
# choose your own path
Enable the exporter to start at boot, and start it the first time.
$ systemctl enable starlink-exporter
$ systemctl start starlink-exporter
$ systemctl status starlink-exporter
● starlink-exporter.service - starlink-exporter
Loaded: loaded (/home/pi/systemd/starlink-exporter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-02-21 04:01:16 UTC; 11min ago
Main PID: 18907 (starlink-export)
CGroup: /system.slice/starlink-exporter.service
└─18907 /home/pi/bin/starlink-exporter
Feb 21 04:01:16 piaware systemd[1]: Started starlink-exporter.